Wednesday, January 21, 2009

my brain only has room for short thoughts...

1. Tried a new ab workout for the last few days...but what hurts the most is NOT my abs, per se. The opposite of my obliques on the backside hurt - not the spinae erectae (or however that's supposed to be spelled), but one muscle closer to my sides. Anyone?

2. Joined a gym so I can actually run and not turn into a marshmallow. Realized after a gazillion years of avoidance, I like the treadmill. A lot.

3. I did find out today, though, that I don't like it when someone gets on the treadmill right next to mine. Especially when there are 11 out of 12 treadmills available. I loathe Space Invaders!

4. This habit of "reconnecting" that I've started is getting mildly terrifying. Why? I just found out that there's a facebook page for my old dance company/school in Kuwait. And it's the same owner/teacher - 20+ years later. (PS She was in her late 50s THEN)

5. I'm really glad that I found out I can hide my online status for facebook. That way no one can tell that I'm never really off it...I know. I have issues.

6. I REALLY have issues with word games. My cuz, thanks Daily Grace, got me hooked on Word Twist and now every word I read, I'm stopping to figure out how many words I could make out of it and would I beat my highest Word Twist score?!?! Makes reading a book - or even Perez Hilton and The Superficial - rather tedious.

7. My "stripper name" (anyone else get that email?) would be Heidi Sparkle. Boo. Not nearly creative enough and certainly doesn't showcase the fact that I can tassel twirl like a pro...even makin' 'em go in different directions.

Just sayin'...

8. At any given time, I have about 8 Scrabble games going. I'm sooo happy I'm not the only word addict. My addiction is proving to be fruitful, though: I just won a night of free Sangria guzzling. Although, Morgan's the only one that can testify as to what happens when Hannah drinks a bottomless vat of Sangria. Heh.

9. Anyone have a winning Lotto ticket they'd like to donate? I want to get out of this F-R-I-G-I-D (like my Scrabble-playing even whilst writing?!) weather and set up shop on a secluded beach in Costa Rica where I can do yoga in the morning, kayak in the afternoon, run in the early evening, and drink beer all night. Oh yeah and sleep in a hammock on the beach. [NOTE: that last one really is one of my life goals.]

Yep, you can tell life is quiet. I'm trying to maintain Big Picture perspective and use this quiet time 'responsibly' (see my post about my reading list), but I'm definitely antsy. Hopefully the gym will help...or at least get me on a much more regular sleeping pattern.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

You're so funny. I love you!
And you promised to never to utter anything about "Sangria" in ear(or eye)shot of me, ever again . :)
BTW this is your sister. The one and only.