Monday, December 01, 2008

monday, monday...

1. Saw an ambulance driving down the road today. And GET THIS - people actually pulled over to let it pass. Crazy. SOOOOO not NYC.

2. I done hurt maself...and probably shouldn't run this weekend in Vegas. But...

3. I'm GOIN' TO VEGAS!!! With some of my favoritest peeps ever. And there's gonna be fun. And mischief. And merriment. And, yes, some running.

4. I've been playing detective into my own past and it's a little weird. Reconnecting with people I, quite literally, haven't even thought about in 20 years. And I've lived a lotta places and gone to even more schools!

5. I've been workin' out. Check it out.

6. I'm gonna be hangin' out with the nephew at least one day a week for the month of December. My sister has to (finally) go back to work, so I get to play with StinkButt.

7. My sister has another thing coming if she thinks that *I'll* be the one that makes this kid loud and chatty. Granted, he is a talker and super busy (even at 5 mo), but has she looked at herSELF lately? She's no wallflower.

8. BTW, for all y'all out there who may have reacted with a "you are SO loud, Hannah" to the above statement, I haven't always been this loud and, um, forthcoming. I am, believe it or not, the QUIET female in my family. My dad is, indeedy, the quietest in our family. Poor, out-talked man. ;)

9. Tell me this isn't the most delicious baby ever (yes, it's the delicious nephew):

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