Wednesday, December 17, 2008

i wasn't an american citizen.

I found out today that I haven't been listed as an American Citizen - for 28 years!!! Huh. I have a Social Security Card/Number. I have a Passport (ok, I've got 2 but who's counting?). I went to go get a replacement Social Security Card today and the woman looked at me like I was foreign.

(hahaha - technically, I AM foreign)

Apparently, I've been listed not as an "American Citizen Born Abroad," but "Foreign." Even though my parents took my AMERICAN passport with them when they registered my sister and I with the Social Security Administration when we moved here in 1980. Gives one a whole lot of faith in the efficacy of our government, eh?

And you'll be thrilled to know that I am now listed as an American Citizen. Because I am.

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