Wednesday, December 31, 2008

25 things...thoughts to end the year.

Rules: Once you are tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag. You have to tag the person that tagged you.

1. I'm learning to like being quieter.

2. Good things are just around the corner...and patience is the lesson I'm (re)learning.

3. I could eat a bacon, egg & cheese sandwich every day and not feel guilty.

4. I miss my friends. A lot.

5. I feel a little bit like I'm in purgatory now, but know that I'll look back on this in a few months/weeks/years and realize I should have enjoyed the downtime more.

6. After not living anywhere near my family for most of my adult life, I'm really enjoying being near them...even when they make me nutso.

7. My nephew makes my ovaries work overtime. Only MY kids-to-be will sleep...

8. I keep running across stories of people who's Karma caught up to them (in an "ick" way) and it reminds me that the high road is ALWAYS the path.

9. I actually like running in the middle of a snowstorm.

10. Part of me wants to sell all my stuff, let someone 'borrow' my dogs for a while, and disappear on a round-the-world trip. And another part of me wants to find a 'real' job, play house, fall in love, make babies, and settle down. Which part should I nurture?

11. I think grunder-punders - or "underpants" as my sister calls them - are superbly ugly.

12. I wonder which of my business plans I'll finish first...and set in motion!

13. I've enjoyed going backwards down Memory Lane, even when the memories were dark and ugly.

14. I love working, but definitely appreciate the notion of being a Lady Who Lunches.

15. I wish I saw my British family more often.

16. I really want to kiss a cute, good-smoochin' man to ring in the New Year.

17. I know a whole heckuva lotta peeps, but only a few of them have seen me sad, vulnerable, or been asked for help.

18. I'm working on being more vulnerable, but not doing very well. ;)

19. I believe in the law of Karma and reincarnation.

20. I have the best used library card in Washtenaw County!

21. I think my dogs see/feel ghosts at my sister's house. (sorry, Jess)

22. I really want Cottage Inn pizza.

23. I'm not what I would call "high maintenance," but I definitely use some high maintenance - high end? - things

24. Coffee makes me a MUCH nicer person.

25. I still don't understand why Q-Tips have an expiration date. And I don't know what squirrel poop looks like. Or where midgets buy their thigh-high stockings. Those are the most perplexing questions of 2008...

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