Tuesday, August 11, 2009

At least I'm predictible.

Was just reading over some of my posts and had to laugh. What about? Well, me being under-trained for a race.

To clarify, I did *not* run the spring half as was my intention...it was my first race back on my feet and I "only" did the 10k. However, I was pretty under-trained for that, too.

I ran my first post-cancer, post-hernia half marathon in Chicago a couple weekends ago - the Inaugural Rock'n'Roll (used to be the Chicago Distance Classic). Trained? Har. I'm too tired and it's too hot to train...yep, I'm the laziest 'athlete' out there. But I finished. In sweltering heat, no less.

So, this weekend, I'm heading to NYC to run my 4th overall half marathon. Guess what?! I'm pretty under-trained for this one, too. I've been "tapering" (and working the closing shift, getting home at 4am isn't helping my motivation).

I'll totally blame my time on the heat. For reals.

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