Thursday, April 09, 2009

Ooff. What a week.

1. I've had more negative crap happen to my body since I've been back in Michigan (6 months) than I have in for-EVER (like the last decade). From my hip/piriformis/hamstring, to catching a medicine ball with my face, to a freakin' hernia, and now 2 melanoma surgeries. Really?!?!

Addendum: one of my friends, The Divine Ms. W, put a grand spin on it and she said that I'm getting rid of the bad in order to truly reinvent myself. Powerful and beautiful. I still think that it was the duct tape holding me together has just worn out... Kidding. Kinda.

2. Granted, I've also lost a bunch of weight and even my 'skinny jeans' are now a little baggy.

3. I'm about to go into my 3rd half marathon not being fully trained. Is the message from the Universe that I need to go slow(er)? That I'm not meant to achieve my ridiculous (to some) fitness goals? Or that, perhaps, I've got other shizzle to deal with before getting fast(er).

4. I love my nephew. And he loves me. To burn off all his energy, he might actually have to start training for a half with me...seriously.

5. Spring is never going to come to Michigan. I'm convinced of it.

6. Is it ethical or moral to want the Cute Doc who Frankensteined me to ask me out. Even if he's "just" a Resident and I - hopefully - won't be a patient there much longer. Or do I just give it up...Hippocratic oath being what it is and all?!

7. Every time I think I have found my Spring Crush, the hopes get dashed...someone help a girl out!! I'm going on 3 potentials that can't/won't/shouldn't pan out. Boo.

8. Attempting to go to the gym and work out - half hour on the bike, people, nothing crazy - sucks. I felt fat, winded, and, worst of all, even the slightest sheen of sweat made my apparently-still-quite-raw boo boo STING LIKE A BIZZITCH. Whoops.

9. I have the most wonderful, supporting, loving, fantastic network of people in my life. You are the BEST!!!!! And thank you...the phone calls and emails have meant more to me than I'll ever be able to say out loud. Truly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your nephew does love you!