Friday, August 28, 2009

This is for you, Matt Plank-a-licious.

1. Fall's coming. My favoritest time of year ever. Idealistically, I prefer the imagery of a spring rebirth and blossoming, but my allergies think it sucks. So, the nesting, settling in, little more introverted autumn has become my fave.

2. T-SHIRTS AND JEANS!!! Woooooooo. I love jeans. Love them. Irrationally, but not nearly as irrationally as I love cargo pants.

3. I really do have an irrational love of cargo pants and impulse buy them regularly. And flip flops.

4. I need to get my feet did. Ted will appreciate that. And m'girl Jimenez. I love having pretty feet! What fall color should I choose?!

5. Life is awesome. Effin' awesome.

6. I'm apparently merging into creative mode again. How do I know? My Old Lady side is coming out and I'm feeling the need to crochet. Seriously, y'all it's a N-E-E-D. Sad, but terribly true...I'm a geek inside.

7. I miss writing. My Michigan Peeps don't necessarily know this about me, but in my former lives, I've been a writer of all sorts, more than just blogging. I've drifted a bit from something that I love and comes naturally, but methinks I have to get back to it.

8. There's a light at the end of the tunnel for being confined to The Dungeon. I'm retardedly excited about seeing all my stuff again. Really!

9. Now, Mr. Plank, are you happy?! I blogged - a lot! - for you. Now get me a half basket of sweets on the fly!!!! xoxox

Cassidy, I wish I could hate you.

No, not really. Not one bit, actually. But I keep thinking about your Year of Yes...and, dammit, I think I need to get back to that, too. Forgetting fear, doubt, pain, past lessons, et al and taking the leap.

"Take the leap and the net will appear."

BTW, I missyouloveyouwannasitdownonacouchanddrinktoomuchwineandtalkforhours!!! And maybe we can democratically and methodically decide which movies we're going to watch again. *sigh. The good ol' days.

*This* is going on the front of my calendar...

Sh*& - it's already September! What am I gonna do for my birthday this year?

For years, I've planned themed birthdays - burlesque, dive bar and tattoos, just a couple examples of years gone by. I didn't plan anything last year because (a), I knew hardly anyone in Michigan, and (b) I wasn't feeling super-celebrationy.

This year? All that's changed. And now I have to come up with a theme, a locale, a costume (a MUST!!!), and a date. (Take that last one however you choose. ;) I've got time!)

Thoughts? Suggestions? Opinions?

Finding (near) perfection.

I threw out my Wanted List (apartment-related, dearhearts) to the Universe...and I believe I may have gotten it.

Um, a wee bit unsettling.

Ok, not really. But I have found a gorgeous, 'grown up,' character-full, affordable apartment for myself. I'm realizing that I should have put a couple things on the Wanted List that it doesn't have (better closet space and on-site laundry), but I'd be getting a wonderful, light-filled, spacious 1 bedroom apartment, with hardwood floors (wooo!) and heat included (a big thing here in the Frozen Tundra of the Midwest).

Now I just have to figure out a way to get my clothes cleaned - free babysitting in exchange for laundry privileges? Dinner-making and wine-purchasing in exchange for a friend/family members washing machine and dryer?

It is a rather large stumbling block I'm realizing, but one I think I can overcome...

IthinkIcan, IthinkIcan, IthinkIcan.

Not looking for the next best thing...

Whew. That's a lifelong lesson with multiple applications, eh? To not be eternally looking for the proverbial Next Best Thing.

I realized - ahaaaaa! - sometime last week that I've spent the last nearly a year (!) trying to figure out where and what the next geographical/professional/personal Next Best Thing could be...when maybe, just maybe, the message being delivered was to settle into the here (Michigan) and now (appreciating the life I have here).

My second realization was that I am currently living a parallel life to the one I had in Greenville, SC. In a nutshell, I didn't really want to move there and spent the vast majority of my life attempting to escape - boyfriend in another city and we spent most of the time travelling - rather than really digging in to the wonderful city that I think Greenville is and the superfantasticawesome people that particular experience delivered into my life. Only now that I'm long gone do I truly appreciate how much that lil' city is *me* - outdoorsy, temperate, kind, true main street lifestyle with an international flavor, small enough to have a wonderful sense of community, large enough to have culture, nightlife, and personality, with a truly affordable quality of life.

I don't regret my experience and the decisions I made because they're all part of Me and I wouldn't be the Hannah I am today - blah blah blah. But I do really miss those people I collected in that experience.

So, I've decided to stay in Michigan. Commit to being here for at least another year. Find an apartment. Settle in to having my very own life again. Start truly working towards creating my professional dream world. Enjoy being near my family...and some delicious new friends I've managed to collect here, too.

Scary? TERRIFYING. Do I feel like I'm settling? Yes, in the root-growing sense...and, oddly, no, in the am-I-compromising-what-I-really-want sense.

Stay tuned...

Some of my

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bling. I love medal bling!

Oh my. So, I was casually toying with the idea of hitting Philly for the ING Distance Classic (yes, another half marathon). When I say casually, I mean, truly, casually.

And then?!

Well, I found out that I'd get not one, but TWO - T-W-O - medals if I run (and finish). And, AND, it's the last year for one of the medals, the Dynamic Duet. Um, there's no question, right? This medal whore has got to be there!!!

So, I guess I'm headin' to Philly in a month. At least it'll make up for this weekend's DNS in NYC. *sniff, sniff.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

At least I'm predictible.

Was just reading over some of my posts and had to laugh. What about? Well, me being under-trained for a race.

To clarify, I did *not* run the spring half as was my was my first race back on my feet and I "only" did the 10k. However, I was pretty under-trained for that, too.

I ran my first post-cancer, post-hernia half marathon in Chicago a couple weekends ago - the Inaugural Rock'n'Roll (used to be the Chicago Distance Classic). Trained? Har. I'm too tired and it's too hot to train...yep, I'm the laziest 'athlete' out there. But I finished. In sweltering heat, no less.

So, this weekend, I'm heading to NYC to run my 4th overall half marathon. Guess what?! I'm pretty under-trained for this one, too. I've been "tapering" (and working the closing shift, getting home at 4am isn't helping my motivation).

I'll totally blame my time on the heat. For reals.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Binge & purge.

That's kinda how I feel about writing sometimes - binge and purge. Right now, I'm on a binge...but that's also 'cuz I've been on a several month purgey hiatus. It's tough to find "interesting" or worthwhile information when you're stuck on repeat in a super tiny microcosm.

But now I'm writing again...feels good. I've missed it - and y'all!

So, friends, what have you been up to?!

Psssst - I'm adding another flower to the 'Garden.' Yep, more ink. YAY!

Blatantly honest.

Time for truth telling. I've been doing something over the last few months that I would generally like to think I don't usually do: operating from a place of fear.

What if I do die too early?
What if I don't get full functionalitly back?
What if I don't find a 'real' job with health insurance?
What if I get rediagnosed with cancer? Or it metasticizes? Or I get another damned hernia?
What if I have to live in The Dungeon for another year?
What if I get stuck in Michigan for forever?
What if I'm meant TO BE in Michigan?
What if I end up single for forever?
What if I feel stuck in purgatory for even longer than forever?
Why am I not taking action-/baby steps towards my dreams?
What ARE my dreams?
Has my life changed so very much?
Why can't I get out of this rut?
Where did my reality go?
Why don't I have a social life?
How long can I get away with blaming surgery for being a wuss?

Why can't I break these patterns?


Fine. I'm admitting it. Now I just have to do something to *change* it...

Just friends.

This reminds me of several of my bestest men friends over the decades...

Oh deary, deary me.

So, I'm coming out of my microcosm and self-centered fog...a bit. It's been a rough road of late, folks, and I'm not gonna claim that I've dealt with it well. To many, I need to apologize.

I'm sorry.

And for those of you who know me well know that I don't apologize often. Why? Well, I was raised to believe that an apology is not just an acknowledgement that your behaviour was wrong/inappropriate/hurtful, but also signifies a willingness to change said behaviour. Generally, my behaviours are set...and, chances are, they're not going to change - ergo, no apologies from me.

This time, I'm willing to change. I've been a crappy person, not the person I've wanted to be. Sure I could blame all sorts of circumstances, events, and situations, but, really, I made the choice.

Time for me to get back to being Better Hannah...public flogging