Friday, April 03, 2009

Huh? Really??? I'm *not* invincible?!

So, much to my surprise, I was diagnosed with a malignant mole, aka melanoma, aka skin cancer, yesterday. Ok, I might not have been SUPER surprised, but that's 'cuz it was an ugly-lookin' mole (yes, Dear Greer, I hear your voice in my head!).

Regardless, bad news is best NOT ingested when you're driving down M-14...even if you are a ridiculously cute Dermatology Resident delivering the news. (Hey - silver lining in this cloud is indeedy the Cute Doc. Just sayin'...)

The mole itself was a hair bigger than a pencil eraser, so not super big. Post-surgery 1 on Tuesday, the residual boo boo was about 2" long and not too horrifying. Evidenced here:

Post-surgery 2, I'm quite a bit more Frankenstein looking and it looks like Cute Doc took a melon baller to my arm before giving me several layers of stitches from the inside out. Evidenced here:

[NOTE: images blurry because they were taken with my CrackBerry and, honestly, my wound makes even ME, Stoic Hannah, nauseous.]

UPDATE: It's now Wednesday and I'm a fair bit more swollen (I worked for first time post-surgery today) and a horrendous shade of mustard (much like your spendy purse, Dear Greer - a shade that looks good in a PURSE, but not on a McWhitey-Pants arm).

Not fun. None of it. And, ok, the real silver lining is that my skin cancer was caught in the earliest stage (Stage IA for the curious) and that I've got a 95% survival rate after 5 years (um, WHAT?!?!?!). No bloodstream or lymph node traveling, no chemo, no radiation, but a crapload of 'staying on top of it' for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

greer said...

ok, first of all that spendy purse was only $400 and even though it's trashed was a good investment.

b) residents ARE doctors and dermatology residents are going to be very RICH

3) why no you call me back?