Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hannah's Health - latest updates...

So, stitches for the Melanoma Frankenstein-ing were taken out nearly 2 weeks ago...zonks! There's a gnarly scar that's still being held together by the super-handy steristrips so it can continue to heal and I can (kinda) have full use of my arm. Kinda toying with the idea of getting a 'thank you for finding it early' celebratory tattoo around the scar...kinda.

On the other hand, healing from surgery to repair my indirect inguinal hernia has been much slower going and infinitely more painful than expected. There have been all sorts of HOLY SHIZZLE moments that some of y'all know about. There have also been some NOBODY WARNED ME THIS WOULD HAPPEN moments that only my Mom and Dearest Sis know about (which really means that my dad and Baby Daddy know, too. Egad!) - ok, and the late night Docs on the 24-hour emergency line. I'm a huge sharer and thrive on TMI, but there are some things you don't want to know. Trust me.

I've been mostly horizontal for 11 days now and it's wearing thin. I've been less than mobile, bored shitless, and in nearly constant pain for a month as of today...and I'm readyreadyready for it all to be over. No concentration ability, so books have been a no-go, TV is crap...and there are NO good movies On Demand. Add that my Netflix took a gazillion years to be returned and sent out this time, ARGH!!!! Really.

I'm lusting after anyone who is able to run. Or workout. Or even walk their dogs, type without discomfort, sneeze without fiery pain in their lower abdomen, and eat spicy foods again. And NOT take narcotics that don't really eliminate pain. Oh, and I'd really, really, really love to sleep in stretches longer than 4 hours - I'm F*&^ING EXHAUSTED!!!!!!! (Just not tired.)

So that's me. What about you? Lemme live vicariously...

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