Friday, January 16, 2009

Writing a book? Um. Ok.

It's been suggested to me over the years that I should write a book. And, truth be told, I've always felt like I had a book in me to write. But what the eff should I write about?

Fiction? Well, I'm really only a good creative writer about, um, well, one subject. And I'm not going back down that road at the moment.

Technical writing? Booooooo-hooooo-riiiiiing. I've done more than enough of that professionally.

My life? Have I done anything that interesting? Inspirational? Or is there enough fodder for comedy? It'd end up being a collection of short snippet-y chapters about some of the ridiculousness that's made up my life.

- Like when we were going to Egypt and I took the wrong passport...and didn't realize until we were just about to get on the plane to Cairo in Istanbul. And we lived in Izmir.

- Or mine & Ms. Cassidy's democratic approach to watching movies. (I think it's funny.)

- This last round in Vegas was a story unto itself.

- My mid-20s...yes, I'd change everyone's names to protect the truly guilty, me included. ;)

- I'm not kidding about the "puke around the world" stories. My sister and I can crack ourselves up retelling them over and over and over again. There are some speTACular moments...

Suggestions? Thoughts? Memories I've chosen to forget or just refuse to remember?! Fire away, kids!

1 comment:

Hannah in the City said...

Dating in NY.
Dating - period.
Mischief with the cousins. ;)
Being a rotten older sister...and turning into a GREAT one.
Adventures with friends...

And, yes, I'm commenting on my own blog.