Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Exercise is *not* "energizing" or "invigorating."

You're all liars. All you people who jump outta bed and exercise in the morning and say it's energizing and invigorating and you JUST COULDN'T START YOUR DAY WITHOUT IT are full of shizzle. Whether it's running, bootcamp, yoga...I don't care. Exercise in the morning does NOT pump me up.

It makes me want to take a nap.


I've been like this all my life. As an adult, I've always worked out at night. As a teenager, our practices (at least for the sports I was involved in) were always after school...not like those crazy Stateside swimmers! Even when I danced, class was always in the evening. My point? I'm an evening/night-time kinda gal. Maybe it's how I've been conditioned. Maybe it's just what my body is used to. But I don't think so...I've never been considered a "morning person." (Which makes race running somewhat problematic.)

I run (and work out) better in the evenings. Period. I'm much more intense, interested in the activity at-hand, and motivated. And then I can stuff my face and head to bed. Going waaaaay back, I can even remember coming home from track practice (love you, Mr. Birch!) and crashing...without even eating dinner. And you folks wondered why I got so skinny sophomore year?

Right now, in this very moment, after running on the treadmill for 45-ish minutes this morning, all I want to do is go take a nap. My eyelids are supremely heavy, even after 2 huge mugs of java. In fact, I might just go do that...

Moral of the long-winded story:
early morning exercisers are crazy.

Just sayin'...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more! I HATE mornings and everything about them! Working out before work?! No friggin' way! I also love to run at night...probably not the safeest activity for a single girl...but it's when my legs work best! Sooo SLEEP IN and be PROUD!!! xoxo J.