Sunday, November 02, 2008

Missing NYC.

I haven't missed NY much until today. See, today's the running of the NYC Marathon. And I've worked it the last couple of years. So, it's a little weird to be on the very outside and not even able to look in.

And by "look in," I mean cheer on the gazillions of friends who are running it this year. Actually, by this point, it's RAN. Alice set a PR - whoop, whoop! Ted, Ken, and Kathleen all ran their first full marathon! Whooo hooo! Patricia ran her 10th NYC race - and, I'm assuming, kicked some NYC ass!!!

Yep. I even miss the madness and mayhem that is the behind the scenes. The command trailer. The gators. The c-tainer. Unleashing 1000s of heat sheets. Making sure that everyone finds a spot on the ferry or a bus so they make their race start. Watching the elite racers prance about, warming up, from the Jersey dividers on the Verrazzano Bridge. Seeing the - literal - tons of discarded clothing being scooped up by bulldozers...after we've gotten all the buses off the Plaza, of course. Being in a police escort to make it back to the Finish in Central Park, hopefully in time to see the finishers.

I love event work. I really do. And this year, some of my event friends are having their first NYC Marathon - Evelyn, Adam, I hope you're still standing! MJ, Volpe, Decker, and all my other "veteran" friends, I hope this year's better than last!!!

I miss you. Bunches.

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