Sunday, November 16, 2008

snowy sundays.

Today was the first day of "real" snow...nothing stuck, really, but that could change overnight. Tons of flakes flurrying around and descending at a rather good clip. Can't lie, I was rather disappointed in the weather today - I needed to run 8-9 miles today...Vegas is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!! And, yes, it crossed my mind - several times, in fact - to just not do it.

However. I've been "not doing it" all week. I crapped out last weekend at the Turkey Trot - stupid knee. And I took it easy running-wise this week to be "kind" to the ol' knee. I was NOT so lucky in the HyperFit sense, though. My ass was KICKED by my trainers this week...and my confidence seriously boosted as I learned some Olympic Lifting terms and moves.

So, I knew I had to run today. And I did! AND I had a really good run. The weather wasn't actually so bad to run in. Keep in mind that during the warmer times of the year, I'm a member of the "red-faced, obese man" in I sweat a LOT and get tomato red, regardless of the shape I'm in. I just sweat a lot. And run hot...except for my extremities.

Ok, getting off-topic...sorry!

So, I ended up having a really good run. The iPod Gawds had a LOT to do with it, though. My random pacing mix shuffled in the most amazing's so interesting to see just how much better I run when I've got good tunes to listen to. It was such a great compilation that I went back and saved it as a stand-alone playlist.

For the actual run, I did the first 3.5 mile loop solo, the second 3.5 with Maverick on a 20-foot leash so he could run, and the last 1.5 miles with Kali - she got the short run 'cuz she's my lil' Principesa...she loathes the cold.

Really good day running. On a crap weather day. Here we come, Vegas!!!!

Hope I haven't bored y'all to tears...

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