Monday, December 11, 2006

Jim Webb (D-Va.) vs. Dubbya

one of my favorite magazines to peruse every week is, ironically, The Week. it's a wonderful synopsis, with various points of view woven into each article and/or snippet, of what's gone on world-wide in the last week. everything. it's great. truly and you should check it out!

it's always thought-provoking and i oftentimes hear myself saying something out loud (albeit under my breath-ish). this week's most "huh!" moment was a snippet about Jim Webb, the newly elected Democratic Senator, from Virginia - remember that part of the election?

well, apparently at the white House 'open house' last week, Webb not only ditched the reception line (brilliant!) so he wouldn't have to attempt ridiculous pleasantries with GWB, but he publically snubbed him, too. Webb's son is a Marine, serving in the 'War on Terror.' When Dubbya approached Webb - who's a decorated Vet himself - and asked, "How's your boy?" Webb shot back, "I'd like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President."

whoo hooo. but it continues...

The Prez responded eloquently with, "That's not what I asked." and THIS TIME, Webb zinged back with, "That's between me and my boy."

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT. apparently, there were several articles about it - that's what i get for not reading newspapers or even watching the news this last week, and much debate about whether politesse is the 'correct' response because we should always defer to the higher ranking individual.

i call bullshit to that, though. why be polite if it's not really what you want to do? he avoided the original direct confrontation by jumping out of the reception line (i do that at weddings, too; i HATE reception lines), but Dubbya sought him out and assumed (ass + u + me) that Webb would defer to the Presidency. other articles call Webb a "boor" and "grossly offensive" - again, i call bullshit. doesn't anyone remember the adage 'if you don't have anything nice to say....'? Webb showed up at the reception out of duty, but avoided any type of interaction 'til cornerd by the bully.

the two other notable points that were made in the blurb were:

- "How refreshing, said [Eleanor] Clift [of Newsweek], to see 'a president who has so abused the symbols of war get his comeuppance from a battlefiel hero who personifies real toughness."
{amen sistahfriend!}

- "Bush and Webb may both be parents, but Webb's son is risking his life in Iraq while Bush's daughters were last seen drinking and partying in Argentina. Surely, we can forgive Webb for not making polite chitchat about his son's predicament with the one man who can do something about it. 'How's Jim Webb's boy? In danger."
{seriously. i LOVE this magazine.}

so...hie thee quickly to your local newsstand or to the website and subscribe!!!! and, no, it's not just the liberal, democratic point of view that i prefer; there's actually a wide range of opinions and vantage points. lovely...

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