Tuesday, December 26, 2006

randomly cool...

so, i noticed a snippet in my most recent copy of Outside magazine - and it was a blurb about G.O.A.T. Food. No, seriously! Apparently, it's a Muhammad Ali-inspired brand of snack foods - 'vitamin-packed' bars, gels & trail mixes - created to "take on the epidemic of over-weight Americans." The demographic is "increasingly pudgy young adults" and with names like Rumble and Jabs, I'm hoping that they taste as cool as they sound and look.

'cuz if there's anything that a whole heckuva lotta folks need, it's help eating in a healthy way...

my new boyfriend...

Ok, he isn't *exactly* my new boyfriend, but I sure wouldn't mind. Check him out! Who is he? Well, he's an outdoorsy, extreme adventure hottie mchottiepants with his own show on the History Channel all about archaeology. Yes, indeedy, he's the 'perfect' mix of dark'n'handsome (to make nice with mom), outdoorsy (for me!!!), and history buff (dear gawd, my father would LOVE that!).

Here's his show...go watch it! Here's his profile on the B.O.S.S. website - doncha just LOVE him?!?!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas traditions - old and new!

New - So, I did something unexpected last night. Something that most of the folks that 'know me' will find out of character. Yes, I did. I went to church.

You read that correctly - I, Hannah R.A.A., of sound body, mind, heart & soul went to church. Totally, utterly of my own choosing. No wedding. No funeral. No family outing. Solamente me.

And *why* did I go? Well, I've decided that Christmas Eve will be my new New Year's Eve and I'm going to start a new tradition. Rather than use January 1st as the ONLY day to get crackin' on all those resolutions - wise and otherwise! - I'm going to start on the Eve of Christmas and keep on through New Year's.

To celebrate the kick off of my own personal life feng shui-ing, I'm going to church-hop throughout Manhattan...each year, I want to choose a new church, new type of service, new purtiness to try out. No, I'm not really looking for the 'religion' part...but there definitely is something to be said for tradition and I'm looking to start some of my own.

And get this - I dove right in...this year, I chose St. Bart's (gorgeous church!) without even realizing that it's Catholic. (No, I didn't take communion!!!) Go me, eh?

So, just when I thought I knew all aspects of myself, I actually surprised myself...and went to church! Whod'a thunk?!?!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

'Old' - Well, it's not really "old", but it's older than me choosing to head to church...

Today, Peggy & I reprised our Christmas Day tradition of movie, a coupla drinks, then Papaya Hot Dogs. And YUM! It's actually one that I truly enjoy. Last year, we ended up eating hot dogs only 'cuz we had the Christmas/Channukah and Sunday double whammy and NOTHING was open. This year, it was by choice.

Good times, good flick, good peeps, great stories...and awesome tradition!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Another Top 5 list....

of fave mind-changing books. ok, so in some worlds they're called 'inspirational' and in others, they might be 'self-help'-ISH. in mine? well, they were thought-provoking and mind-opening.

1. Broken Open - Elizabeth Lesser
2. Journey of the Heart - John Welwood
3. Artist's Way - Julia Cameron
4. Just 'cuz I LOVE it!!
5. Hope for the Flowers - Trina Paulus

and yours?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

ain't this the damned truth...

“Learn to create silence in your mind and peace will flourish in your heart. Don't overthink and the answer will present itself to you.”

this only reinforces several conversations i had with my wonderous friend, kinkly la rouge (aka R), this summer - voice to the universe that there's something you want to talk about...and, lo & behold, the universe provides the space. or the answer.

being willing to LISTEN is the key. or. maybe. it's just creating silence. THAT i have a hard time creating...quiet in my life is amazing. it's in the MIND that it's difficult.

thoughts? (get it? get the pun??? i'm punny...)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

it's gonna be epic!

so, i've got this friend. her name's alice. and she's a sassy, livin' life large redhead. and she tells me that the next 14 months are gonna be EPIC. E-P-I-C!

why 14 months? because who wants to limit themselves to just a year?
and why epic? why the fuck not?!?!??!
HOW epic? well...you'll just have to watch, wait & see.

yes, we will have stipulations for epic-ism. they'll include:

- living life LARGE, all the time. (it is about appreciating every moment, no?)
- going somewhere, destination as yet undetermined, that includes a MINIMUM of 5 hours of travel time (cars allowed, plane preferred according to ms. sassypants)
- a fireman. per girl, not shared. rather, AT LEAST one fireman...
- swing dancing
- ...not sure what else. this is part of 'epic' - letting it all unfold, but knowing it's gonna be huge. Huuuuuuuuuge! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!!

arncha 'cited? i am...because i feel it, too. i just need to get outta december to really be 'ready'!

here's to '07...

just a quick count...

6 days totally J-free...just sayin'. keep on keepin' on!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


my top 5 smooth, singin' men...they could croon to me ANY time!

1. John Legend
2. Maxwell
3. Lenny Kravitz
4. Jonny Lang
5. Michael Buble

alternates - jesse l. martin (he's not really a 'singer' but the man can siiiiiiiiing) and chris isaak (i've always had a thing for him!)

there's something about a man singin' to you as you're falling asleep...or cooking breakfast...or in the shower, together.

Monday, December 18, 2006

the weather gods are crazy...

seriously! what's going on with this weather?? it's also wreaking havoc on our environment. i was walking with one of my clients, snowy (yes, she's a white dog - shepherd mix), and while she was stalking squirrels, i happened to look up at a nearby tree. and get this - there were BUDS on the tree!!! the weather has been so warm, the tree thought it was spring...

that's just WRONG! is this global warming? poor tree.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

emotionally overwhelmed...

i'm suffering from emotional upheaval. i can honestly say that i've revolved through more emotions in the last couple of weeks than i think i EVER have in such a short period of time...i've also shed many more tears than 'normal.'

this shite sucks.

there are VERY valid reasons my family nickname is 'stoic hannah' and i'm the one who gets to drive family and friends to the airport. i'm a whirlwind of piss and vinegar when i'm angry: i burn as brilliantly as magnesium, but the spark is quickly lost...and i get the hell over 'it.' i have been known to pride myself on being more on the 'up' side o'life than the dramatic and/or wallowing in darker emotions. so, it's not too suprising that i haven't dealt well with my little internal rollercoaster. yes, yes, i do realize that's a gross understatement...and i will be eternally grateful for the patience, love, and kindness those i can truly label 'friend' have shown. [working on some thoughts about peeling back the layers of friendship and being able to believe in those that ARE true friends, so more on this train of thought forthcoming...]

the last couple of weeks have truly blown...HOWEVER (comma) the biggest reason i've been on such an overload of emotions has proven itself false and i don't have to worry about my girl going anywhere that involves rainbows and bridges, at least in the short-term.

[sidenote: who the EFF decided that animal 'heaven' would be called the "rainbow bridge"??? what a stoopid term...]

so, i've taken a deep breath. i gave her tons of hugs and kisses and treats. i stopped wallowing in thoughts that included dealing with the [potential] loss of the longest relationship i've ever had, the dog that brought me to where i am in regards to dog training and guardianship, and how on earth that void could ever become smaller, much less be filled. i DIDN'T even bother to think about the other couple of life hiccups i had - they're just dumb boys and irresponsible women who played themselves off as 'friend.'

and i even smiled a couple of times. 'til i remembered that december always seems to suck for me post-birthday...especially last year.

eff. back to emotionally overwhelmed and having to work THROUGH it this year, notsomuch play the role of ostrich with head in sand.

denial works wonderfully. until it doesn't.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

skinny pants...

waaaahoooooooo-ey! i just wanted to letchy'all know that i was in a decidedly 'red' mood today and wanted to wear a hoppin' scarlet pair of pants that i still have in my closet (even though i haven't actually *worn* them in a couple (few) years. so, i thought i'd at least T-R-Y them on...

AND THEY FIT! more than that, they were biiiiiiiiig...

yes, i've been on a gettin'-in-shape kick since i broke down and joined a gym for the first time in a 1/2 decade, but i've been an eensy bit slack of late - and eatin' like it's the holidays! however, the skinny red pants fit me, so i'm notsomuch worried.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Jim Webb (D-Va.) vs. Dubbya

one of my favorite magazines to peruse every week is, ironically, The Week. it's a wonderful synopsis, with various points of view woven into each article and/or snippet, of what's gone on world-wide in the last week. everything. it's great. truly and you should check it out!

it's always thought-provoking and i oftentimes hear myself saying something out loud (albeit under my breath-ish). this week's most "huh!" moment was a snippet about Jim Webb, the newly elected Democratic Senator, from Virginia - remember that part of the election?

well, apparently at the white House 'open house' last week, Webb not only ditched the reception line (brilliant!) so he wouldn't have to attempt ridiculous pleasantries with GWB, but he publically snubbed him, too. Webb's son is a Marine, serving in the 'War on Terror.' When Dubbya approached Webb - who's a decorated Vet himself - and asked, "How's your boy?" Webb shot back, "I'd like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President."

whoo hooo. but it continues...

The Prez responded eloquently with, "That's not what I asked." and THIS TIME, Webb zinged back with, "That's between me and my boy."

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT. apparently, there were several articles about it - that's what i get for not reading newspapers or even watching the news this last week, and much debate about whether politesse is the 'correct' response because we should always defer to the higher ranking individual.

i call bullshit to that, though. why be polite if it's not really what you want to do? he avoided the original direct confrontation by jumping out of the reception line (i do that at weddings, too; i HATE reception lines), but Dubbya sought him out and assumed (ass + u + me) that Webb would defer to the Presidency. other articles call Webb a "boor" and "grossly offensive" - again, i call bullshit. doesn't anyone remember the adage 'if you don't have anything nice to say....'? Webb showed up at the reception out of duty, but avoided any type of interaction 'til cornerd by the bully.

the two other notable points that were made in the blurb were:

- "How refreshing, said [Eleanor] Clift [of Newsweek], to see 'a president who has so abused the symbols of war get his comeuppance from a battlefiel hero who personifies real toughness."
{amen sistahfriend!}

- "Bush and Webb may both be parents, but Webb's son is risking his life in Iraq while Bush's daughters were last seen drinking and partying in Argentina. Surely, we can forgive Webb for not making polite chitchat about his son's predicament with the one man who can do something about it. 'How's Jim Webb's boy? In danger."
{seriously. i LOVE this magazine.}

so...hie thee quickly to your local newsstand or to the website and subscribe!!!! and, no, it's not just the liberal, democratic point of view that i prefer; there's actually a wide range of opinions and vantage points. lovely...

to add on to the sit stay happenings...

so, this post is a cross-pollinator from my myspace page:

for the last few months, i've been working with and for my friend lydia and her dog training company, sit stay dog training. we were recently talking about adding new gear to the lineup...and had these created.

how cute?!?!?! yes, indeedy, that is my maverick. now i just need to get some made for kali-dawg...

the new part is this:

lydia and i are talking about having a SSDT blog, too, with all kinds of fun doggie-related stuff...from toys, to treats, to beds, to trainers, to 'relevant' issues, to ways that you, too, can help the animal world.

stay tuned!

like the lotus from the lotus seeds...

so, i haven't been posting here for eons. mostly because i've been playing over on my myspace profile...and out there living life. however, when life throws you lemons, i decide that writing is a viable outlet for my angst. (love that word 'angst')

most of y'all that know me well, or even peripherally, know that i've had a couple of crappy weeks. while life, in general, is getting 'better' and, yes, i'll *always* be ok, i'll be the first to admit that life just sucked for a while. i haven't cried that much in such a short time in AGES, if ever.

i even, for more than simply several moments, questioned whether taking the high road and making life decisions with my effin' "highest person" was where i should place my energy. you, oh lovely reader(s), will be ecstatic to know that my decision wasn't made in the heat of the proverbial moment and i came back into myself. i did relish the idea of just being a mean, angry, awful, bitchy, vengeful woman for a while; i even thought about that book 'why men love bitches' and toyed with the idea of truly living a life i've, until that point, seen as thoroughly unrewarding in this life and any that may follow.

and then i wore my lotus seeds. when i went to the good ol' M-of-I a few weeks ago, i went to one of my favoritest bookstores ever and bought a mala. i've wanted one for a while, so i went through all the ones available, but realized i was most drawn to the lotus seed. and why? no clue. however, because i don't believe in coincidence, i'm sure that the lovely universe was giving me a gift in advance.

see, the lotus is one of the most revered, powerful flowers in all of floral symbology. but, really, it's a glorified lillypad. seriously. out of the mire and muck of the depths of whatever type of freshwater lotus grow out of, grows this gorgeous specimen of flora. so, the lotus seed mala i 'happened upon' has served as a reminder that out of the shit comes beauty...and i remembered that this isn't the first - nor will it be the last - time that i'll have to encounter the shit that life tosses our respective directions.

the key is stopping the shit that's thrown your way before it hits the fan.

luckily, you're never given more shit to catch than the universe thinks you can handle. now, if only big picture perspective could be maintained while you're knee-deep in the stinky mire.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

so, i have this theory...

there are several of y'all out there that i've discussed this theory with and, yes, it does deal with man hands - one of my faaaaaaavorite parts of a man's body!

i've had the pleasure - yes, literally - of dating several men with wonderful man hands. they're all encompassing, so that your hand almost feels teeny wrapped in his. granted, i have small, long-fingered, thin-boned hands, so there's not much that doesn't make them feel small...but i relish the feeling of a large, yet gentle hand holding mine.

man hands are also manly. i know that sounds redundant, but it really isn't - 'manly' means not manicured or bejeweled ('regular' rings are fine, but diamonds, and rubies, and sapphires?!? oh my!). 'manly' means tough and maybe a little bit rough - color me sucker for callouses, whether gym-induced or DIY-er. eons ago, i knew a wonderful man who was 'man' in so many ways...'cept his super soft, softer than my grandma's (and that's SOFT) hands. needless to say, i was icked out.

in the not-too-distant past, i looked down and realized that my little-ish hand was holding on to just one big, ol' finger of the meaty, man paw i was walking with down the street (no, it wasn't just a hand, sheesh). just a finger. and it fit. THAT is the kind of man hand i luuuuuuuuurve.

so, where is this going? my theory. the theory is that it's not JUST the fingers that say a lot about man meat (yes, you DO know what that means) size. rather, it's the man MITT - the palm - that says the most. if the [hopefully] 'perfectly-sized' (whatever that means to you) fingers are attached to a catcher's paw of a palm, chances are you're in for a man meat treat. if not, well, good luck.

next time you're out and about and see a meaty man hand, just think of me and my theory...seriously. i promise you won't be able to stop sneaking naughty glances and you'll probably have a coupla naughty thoughts, too. nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

and, yes, this is just a theory that i've strung together from my various real-life experiences... :-p

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

and so it goes...

and so it goes...
Current mood: disappointed
Category: Life

1. i found a new 'fave space' in nyc today...alice and i went exploring and it's a lovely quiet space amid the hubbub that is lower manhattan. i have a feeling i'll be frequenting it often - it suits the quiet space i'm in in life.

2. two weeks of no drinking. i know!! who AM i? no, there's no reason, no 'true' ulterior motive...i just don't want to right now.

3. i love the temperature of fall. typically, i don't like the idea of this particular season, but this year, i do. i'm in a very fall place - quiet, in flux, hugely introspective, little pieces of me are dying (and not in bad ways).

4. i couldn't tell you the last time i had a nightmare...it's been years. until last wednesday night, though. it was horrible. truly horrible. i still haven't made sense of it just yet. and i'm not sure that i'll like the answers i'll stumble into.

5. in addition to not drinking, i might join my galpal sasha and go on a 3 month 'men hiatus'...through thanksgiving. seriously. no, i haven't been dating. or even making out. but i have been allowing myself to not be 100% true to myself - my intuition, my wants, and the like. so, i think i need to sign some sort of 'nunnery' contract....anyone have one lying around???

6. BELIEVE YOU ME, when you give yourself space and permission to receive the answers, the Universe will indeed deliver. it might shock the shit outta you, cause your body to go into shock, but you certainly will draw the hardest line in the sand that you ever have. i gave myself space to sit on 'the razor's edge' with some really hard questions lately. gave myself permission to not have to hunt down the answer immediately....and guess what was given to me on a silver platter? you're right. the Universe came through. unfortunately, this wasn't the best news i've ever received...but the Universe reminded me that i haven't been listening.

well, i am now.

7. i hate it when i can't sleep and i really, really, really need to be work-productive tomorrow. i was house-productive today, so i won't have that excuse tomorrow. but i will be tired and groggy if i can't pass out soon. argh!

8. i'm done reading 'real' books for the rest of the week. bring on the chicklit - the candace bushnell or bergdorf blondes or sandra effin' brown!!!

9. i want more tattoos. not for the garden, but random, little(r) ones...meaningful in different ways.

ps i'm not gonna talk about it, but those of you 'in the know'...the j-free clock starts again today. what am i not gonna talk about? why it stopped counting *and* why it has to be restarted. please don't ask, just know that i KNOW i know better....