Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Creating an A2/Ypsi-Tucky 'To Do' list...

Those that know me well know that I move. Fairly often. Lifelong habit passed on to this gypsy by gypsy-faring parents. Conversely, every time I move, the first thing I do is create roots and connections - a la volunteering with organizations that pique my curiosity.

In the year-and-a-bit I've been here, I've certainly *not* been invested. Whycome? Well, I didn't think I was staying. A downward spiraling economy, skin cancer, and a direction-challenged (in a metaphorical way, dears, not literal) Hannah means that I'm now here...in a lease-signed, bills-paid way.

So, now I *am* looking to invest. Here's the short list so far:

Neutral Zone (because kids are my 'thing.' I've been a member of the Under 40-ish group for a while now, but we're looking to do some fun stuff in the coming year)
826 Michigan (already on their volunteer list, but lookin' to do some tutoring and some fun, event-related stuff.)
Growing Hope (because I was raised on local, whole foods, believe in eating local, whole foods, and want to pass on the habit to the next generation)
Ann Arbor Art Center (because they're recruiting volunteers for their 2010 Wine Gala fundraiser...I love the arts *and* wine!!)
Michigan Theatre (because it's gorgeous and, um, a chance to see shows for free as an Usher. Duh!)

I'll keep y'all posted. 'Cause I know you care. How are YOU getting involved in your community?!

Crush. Please?

I miss having crushes.

The butterflies-in-the-belly when you think you might see that certain someone.
Your friends whispering, "He's coming, he's coming, he's coming...he's *tooootally* looking at you!"
The heart-stopping moment when you actually lock eyes.
The head-to-toe blush when he passes, but throws you a sassy over-the-shoulder glance.

Ah. Crushes. It's not even that I'm too old; I certainly haven't outgrown them. I just don't seem to bump into too many men I'd be interested in. Or maybe I just don't bump into too many men and that's the issue. I did have a mini-crush for a hot, smoldering minute, but that flame got stomped out - big time.

And now? I'm a-lookin'...is it 'round this corner?!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Nope, not the kind in a triathlon...the kind that can sometimes make a girl sad.

So, tonight I reconnected with a long-lost love (of a sort) and it's making me think all sorts of thoughts. Like how the first child I raised (not mine, human) is applying to college. And how the second child I raised (assumed from my parents, 4-legged) is pretty much stone deaf and really starting to be an old - o-l-d - dog [she's nearly 15].

And it makes me rather sad.

Why? Good question.

I love(d) my First Child and will always cherish the fun we had and the ruckus we raised. I love(d) my Second Child even though it was TOUGH many a time and the lessons learned weren't always fun and sunshiney. I learned so much from both these lasses. SO much - about me, about them, about life, about how I'd do it over or how I'd do it for myself should I get the chance.

And *this* might be the heart of the matter. When DO I get to do it for myself? I've had a wonderful life of (mis)adventure, travel, and experience. Through it all, I've only had one thing that I wanted to do since I was a wee one and one thing that I'll regret not having experienced: the having of my own children.

As my most amazing eggs leave me on a monthly basis, I do start to wonder how much time I really do have. The big 4-0 is closer now than it was "then" and it feels like a looming invisible line in the sand.

Do I regret mothering someone else's child and a stubborn, feral canine before having my own? Laws no...I'm the woman I am today partially because of those experiences. Do I regret any of my along-the-way decisions? Nope. I can't. But I can hope. And stay open. And be ready. And know that I won't just have a baby because of a biological clock...that's never been how I wanted to parent - my own parents taught me too well.

I think that now is just a time for me to reflect and recognize that my wonts and needs are so vastly different than they were even a few years ago. And to plan to attend a graduation ceremony like none other for my First Child come next year...and to maybe shed a tear or two.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Wuv. Twu wuv.

I had a gorgeous, horribly bittersweet moment with the Grand Dame of the Ashmore Hounds this morning. After nearly 12 years together, we had a first during our morning snuggles...the feral dog finally let her guard down enough to show me just how much she loves and trusts me.

Gorgeous because it was a gift. Bittersweet because the signs of aging are too many to ignore. It'll be one of the stand-out moments in our relationship.

It's odd for me to start the day with tears.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Procrastination is the name of my game. Or is it avoidance?

So, long weekend of work (don't wanna talk about it), followed closely by a long, stupid Monday of work (really don't wanna talk about it). Guess what?! I don't wanna talk about it.

What I DO want to talk about is how I was s'posed to start a fun project yesterday, but totally forgot about it because I was consumed by a weekend I don't wanna talk about. So, I tried to start tonight...but am now avoiding it because I don't want to 'fail.' And, yes, I'm "failing" by blogging instead of working on said fun project.

Color me dork.

What *is* the fun project? Well, um, it's writing. BUT it's writing with a quota. Which feels like sales. And makes me hate it. And it's fiction. Which freaks me out...because it's sooooooo not my forte. I don't do the creative. I do sardonic. Realistic. Life-observant shit, bordering on moderately motivational. Creative? Bah. Fiction? Shudder.

And I circle back to that shitty word we all face, loathe, and avoid by denial - FEAR. I'm scared I'll fail. Wait. I said that.

Maybe I'll buy a t-shirt from the site and call it a day. heh. That'd be funny...and helpful.

Or. Maybe. I'll finish this glass of La Parcela. Go to bed. Stop hating the world after a good night's sleep and a couple days off (1st few in a few weeks). And do some more writing tomorrow...just keep on keepin' on.


Disclamer: By writing this post, I just lost out on about 1/5 of what I was supposed to write in my 'novel' tonight.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Apparently, I have a lot to say...

1. My dogs are just as excited about the beets as I am. When I asked who was gonna skin 'em, though, the 'conversation' reminded me a lot of the "when are you gonna rub *my* belly?" question I ask nearly every morning. Again, I get gypped.

2. I love my new shower irrationally. From the water pressure, to the output, to the heat control...love it. It's the little things, kids.

3. If my period (full-disclosure, folks, sorry) doesn't start soon, I swear to G-O-D my boobs are, quite literally, no exaggeration, going to explode. I understand cycles come in waves and no two are alike and that, this time, it's all about purge/release/transition, but for fuck's sake. Davvero.

4. I'm going to cheer on a bunch of my running friends tomorrow in the Detroit Free Press Half/Marathon. I had planned on running it, but, well, we all know how the best laid plans...blahblahblah.

5. So, my next 'on-the-schedule' race is the NOLA half. Anyone in? Guess that means I'll have to start running again...

6. I think that the main reason I'm not getting sick in the midst of all these flu-y people is that I'm religious about my raspberry-flavored Emergen-C. Could be bullshit. Could be 716% psychosymatic. Don't care...'cuz I'm not sicky.

7. I hate, loathe, and despise folding clothes. And the unpacking fairy has failed to report for duty. A-GAIN. She should be fired.

8. Halloween's my favorite holiday. And I have to work. FML?

9. I need some cables to connect my ancient TV to my DVD/VCR player so I can watch my old school stuff. Anyone got some I can snag?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

And she said, "Dude. It's time."

Swift kick in ass. Well-intentioned message from delicious friend who knows all...and knows me well. And all I can say is, "You're right."

Ok, VanO, I accept the challenge. Anyone with me?

Rediscovering the Old.

More than just re-discovering and getting back to parts of that are age-old familiar - like the being a bookworm, cooking, etc., I'm finding things in my Boxes of Stuff (and I've got, um, lots).

- all my stilettos that I forgot I had (this notsogirliegirl does indeedy have a girlie-girl side!)
- books I've wanted to read for years
- my great-grandmother's red, swing coat that I *LOVE* and my grandmother's 'Sherlock Holmes' cape.
- tchochke of the "meaningful" kind (although, I guess it's all meaningful to the owner, eh?)
- clothes, clothes, and more clothes...cheese'n'rice I've got a shitload of stuff that I forgot about. And now I just need a social life - TIME for a social life - so I can actually wear it all!

...but I did wear the sassy hot pink, kitten heel ankle boots last night! L-O-V-E those shoes and I'm thrilled that I didn't lose one post-Vegas. They were dubbed my 'F*%& Me, Mary Poppins' boots last night. heh.

Yay rediscovery!

Pearl and almost Normal.

1. I'm staying home - shock! - and cooking...beets (red *and* white), spinach to add to my dinner, and spaghetti squash for tomorrow. Anyone know if beet greens are edible?

2. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it - wet dog food smells nasty, even the 'better' quality shizzle. And it's a testament to how committed I am to making this an 'easy' transition for my dawgs that I spend a half hour every few days stuffing kongs and old marrow bones with nasty-assed wet dog food.

3. For all my fellow Scrabble addicts, didja know you can take CLASSES in Scrabble strategy? How fun is that?! Weird, but fun.

4. I'm fat. And tired. And I need new jeans. And I'd love more time/energy to run/work out. But I am happy. I love my new space!

5. I haven't lived by myself in 7 years...and I'd forgotten how fun it is. Walking around naked, just outta the shower, makin' coffee? Delish.

6. I can tell I'm on a 'Path of Rejuvenation.' How come?! Well, I'm super interested in growing and nurturing plants again, I have brainspace to read books (!!), and I'm cooking every other day or so...all on my list of Fave Things to Do Ever, but all things that I haven't had much time, space, or desire for in the last while (don't ask me to define 'while,' please).

7. I even have the urge to write...and use my brain. No, no. Please don't fall over dead. I know it's been a while. 'tis true, though.

8. So, I'm 85% unpacked in my Ypsi-tucky residence. Never would've thought I'd stick around this neck o' the woods, but it feels good...and right.

9. I love that I live on Pearl Street at *almost* Normal. Parfait, n'est-ce pas?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where are all my blogger friends?!

Y'all suck. Oops...that's not very positive reinforcement oriented, eh?

All my blogger friends - where are you? None of you have posted anything lately...I need food for thought. I need inspiration. I need something to keep me entertained!!!

Blogs to recommend? Seeing as *my* friends don't have much to say....


So, I thought that my Brooklyn address was awesome:

123 South 4th Street

But my new address is funnier methinks:

Pearl and almost Normal.

Sweet, effin' Baby Jeeeeeesus...

What a month. I'm tired. Between training for my new/2nd job, working original job, apartment hunting, apartment moving into, packing/unpacking, laundry, moving storage units, and trying to find some time to sleep...well, shit, I'm lusting for a day off.

Haven't had one in over 2 weeks and there's not one in the foreseeable future. But ya know what? 'S'all good. I'll make it...and make some bank, too. Which is the point, yah?

That said, as of October 1st, I'm going to give up giving up my workouts. No more excuses. I haven't run in a gazillion years (I did just unpack my sneaks, tho). I haven't been to the gym in at least a couple of weeks. And I'm eating on-the-fly, in my car, so I'm turning into Fast Food Nation. Thank goodness I don't have to have a full physical right now - FAIL!!!

More than anything, I'm ready to be nestled into the Cute New Apartment and finding time to reconnect with my books - so many to read! - and spend the next couple weeks Netflixing, reading, and cooking.

I apologize in advance for my disappearance...but you can find me at Pearl and Almost Normal (my address - perfect, right?) if you really want to.


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Tuesday. Tuesday. Why are there no songs about Tuesdays?!

1. Friends of mine are producing The Alaska Ride to benefit an AIDS Charity of your choice. I kinda wanna crew it...head back to Alaska for an extended trip, do some good, and be 'working' in a way that I love and is super familiar. Anyone in?

2. I'm loving this weather. LOVing it.

3. I'm shallow enough to really, *really* love throwing down a 40-point, 3- or 4-letter word in Scrabble. LOVE it.

4. I'm trying really hard to break some old patterns, but it's not always easy. In fact, I think the only way I can really remember to stick with the New Me is to indelibly mark myself again (tattoos, y'all). Not kidding.

5. Is already 1/3 finished in the crocheting of a new blanket. That means fall's around the corner and I'm about to start nesting.

6. I've got an escape artist dog who might be sidelining as a phantom. She got out of another fully-enclosed area yesterday...2nd time in a month and I really *don't* know how. She's too old (14 1/2) to jump the fences and not quite skinny enough to squeeze through. Theories are welcome, but I think she's just turning into a ghost momentarily.

7. Some days I wonder if I'll ever grow up. Then I wonder about the true definition of 'grown up'...and realize that I might have pieces of it already embedded, but I'll always be a big goofball (and fun!). At least I won't be boring.

8. I think I need another cup of coffee. But, more importantly, I'm having a kick ass hair day!

9. It's official - I'm an Ypsi-tucky-ite. I'm going to sign my lease tomorrow!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

This is for you, Matt Plank-a-licious.

1. Fall's coming. My favoritest time of year ever. Idealistically, I prefer the imagery of a spring rebirth and blossoming, but my allergies think it sucks. So, the nesting, settling in, little more introverted autumn has become my fave.

2. T-SHIRTS AND JEANS!!! Woooooooo. I love jeans. Love them. Irrationally, but not nearly as irrationally as I love cargo pants.

3. I really do have an irrational love of cargo pants and impulse buy them regularly. And flip flops.

4. I need to get my feet did. Ted will appreciate that. And m'girl Jimenez. I love having pretty feet! What fall color should I choose?!

5. Life is awesome. Effin' awesome.

6. I'm apparently merging into creative mode again. How do I know? My Old Lady side is coming out and I'm feeling the need to crochet. Seriously, y'all it's a N-E-E-D. Sad, but terribly true...I'm a geek inside.

7. I miss writing. My Michigan Peeps don't necessarily know this about me, but in my former lives, I've been a writer of all sorts, more than just blogging. I've drifted a bit from something that I love and comes naturally, but methinks I have to get back to it.

8. There's a light at the end of the tunnel for being confined to The Dungeon. I'm retardedly excited about seeing all my stuff again. Really!

9. Now, Mr. Plank, are you happy?! I blogged - a lot! - for you. Now get me a half basket of sweets on the fly!!!! xoxox

Cassidy, I wish I could hate you.

No, not really. Not one bit, actually. But I keep thinking about your Year of Yes...and, dammit, I think I need to get back to that, too. Forgetting fear, doubt, pain, past lessons, et al and taking the leap.

"Take the leap and the net will appear."

BTW, I missyouloveyouwannasitdownonacouchanddrinktoomuchwineandtalkforhours!!! And maybe we can democratically and methodically decide which movies we're going to watch again. *sigh. The good ol' days.

*This* is going on the front of my calendar...

Sh*& - it's already September! What am I gonna do for my birthday this year?

For years, I've planned themed birthdays - burlesque, dive bar and tattoos, just a couple examples of years gone by. I didn't plan anything last year because (a), I knew hardly anyone in Michigan, and (b) I wasn't feeling super-celebrationy.

This year? All that's changed. And now I have to come up with a theme, a locale, a costume (a MUST!!!), and a date. (Take that last one however you choose. ;) I've got time!)

Thoughts? Suggestions? Opinions?

Finding (near) perfection.

I threw out my Wanted List (apartment-related, dearhearts) to the Universe...and I believe I may have gotten it.

Um, a wee bit unsettling.

Ok, not really. But I have found a gorgeous, 'grown up,' character-full, affordable apartment for myself. I'm realizing that I should have put a couple things on the Wanted List that it doesn't have (better closet space and on-site laundry), but I'd be getting a wonderful, light-filled, spacious 1 bedroom apartment, with hardwood floors (wooo!) and heat included (a big thing here in the Frozen Tundra of the Midwest).

Now I just have to figure out a way to get my clothes cleaned - free babysitting in exchange for laundry privileges? Dinner-making and wine-purchasing in exchange for a friend/family members washing machine and dryer?

It is a rather large stumbling block I'm realizing, but one I think I can overcome...

IthinkIcan, IthinkIcan, IthinkIcan.

Not looking for the next best thing...

Whew. That's a lifelong lesson with multiple applications, eh? To not be eternally looking for the proverbial Next Best Thing.

I realized - ahaaaaa! - sometime last week that I've spent the last nearly a year (!) trying to figure out where and what the next geographical/professional/personal Next Best Thing could be...when maybe, just maybe, the message being delivered was to settle into the here (Michigan) and now (appreciating the life I have here).

My second realization was that I am currently living a parallel life to the one I had in Greenville, SC. In a nutshell, I didn't really want to move there and spent the vast majority of my life attempting to escape - boyfriend in another city and we spent most of the time travelling - rather than really digging in to the wonderful city that I think Greenville is and the superfantasticawesome people that particular experience delivered into my life. Only now that I'm long gone do I truly appreciate how much that lil' city is *me* - outdoorsy, temperate, kind, true main street lifestyle with an international flavor, small enough to have a wonderful sense of community, large enough to have culture, nightlife, and personality, with a truly affordable quality of life.

I don't regret my experience and the decisions I made because they're all part of Me and I wouldn't be the Hannah I am today - blah blah blah. But I do really miss those people I collected in that experience.

So, I've decided to stay in Michigan. Commit to being here for at least another year. Find an apartment. Settle in to having my very own life again. Start truly working towards creating my professional dream world. Enjoy being near my family...and some delicious new friends I've managed to collect here, too.

Scary? TERRIFYING. Do I feel like I'm settling? Yes, in the root-growing sense...and, oddly, no, in the am-I-compromising-what-I-really-want sense.

Stay tuned...

Some of my

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bling. I love medal bling!

Oh my. So, I was casually toying with the idea of hitting Philly for the ING Distance Classic (yes, another half marathon). When I say casually, I mean, truly, casually.

And then?!

Well, I found out that I'd get not one, but TWO - T-W-O - medals if I run (and finish). And, AND, it's the last year for one of the medals, the Dynamic Duet. Um, there's no question, right? This medal whore has got to be there!!!

So, I guess I'm headin' to Philly in a month. At least it'll make up for this weekend's DNS in NYC. *sniff, sniff.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

At least I'm predictible.

Was just reading over some of my posts and had to laugh. What about? Well, me being under-trained for a race.

To clarify, I did *not* run the spring half as was my intention...it was my first race back on my feet and I "only" did the 10k. However, I was pretty under-trained for that, too.

I ran my first post-cancer, post-hernia half marathon in Chicago a couple weekends ago - the Inaugural Rock'n'Roll (used to be the Chicago Distance Classic). Trained? Har. I'm too tired and it's too hot to train...yep, I'm the laziest 'athlete' out there. But I finished. In sweltering heat, no less.

So, this weekend, I'm heading to NYC to run my 4th overall half marathon. Guess what?! I'm pretty under-trained for this one, too. I've been "tapering" (and working the closing shift, getting home at 4am isn't helping my motivation).

I'll totally blame my time on the heat. For reals.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Binge & purge.

That's kinda how I feel about writing sometimes - binge and purge. Right now, I'm on a binge...but that's also 'cuz I've been on a several month purgey hiatus. It's tough to find "interesting" or worthwhile information when you're stuck on repeat in a super tiny microcosm.

But now I'm writing again...feels good. I've missed it - and y'all!

So, friends, what have you been up to?!

Psssst - I'm adding another flower to the 'Garden.' Yep, more ink. YAY!

Blatantly honest.

Time for truth telling. I've been doing something over the last few months that I would generally like to think I don't usually do: operating from a place of fear.

What if I do die too early?
What if I don't get full functionalitly back?
What if I don't find a 'real' job with health insurance?
What if I get rediagnosed with cancer? Or it metasticizes? Or I get another damned hernia?
What if I have to live in The Dungeon for another year?
What if I get stuck in Michigan for forever?
What if I'm meant TO BE in Michigan?
What if I end up single for forever?
What if I feel stuck in purgatory for even longer than forever?
Why am I not taking action-/baby steps towards my dreams?
What ARE my dreams?
Has my life changed so very much?
Why can't I get out of this rut?
Where did my reality go?
Why don't I have a social life?
How long can I get away with blaming surgery for being a wuss?

Why can't I break these patterns?


Fine. I'm admitting it. Now I just have to do something to *change* it...

Just friends.

This reminds me of several of my bestest men friends over the decades...

Oh deary, deary me.

So, I'm coming out of my microcosm and self-centered fog...a bit. It's been a rough road of late, folks, and I'm not gonna claim that I've dealt with it well. To many, I need to apologize.

I'm sorry.

And for those of you who know me well know that I don't apologize often. Why? Well, I was raised to believe that an apology is not just an acknowledgement that your behaviour was wrong/inappropriate/hurtful, but also signifies a willingness to change said behaviour. Generally, my behaviours are set...and, chances are, they're not going to change - ergo, no apologies from me.

This time, I'm willing to change. I've been a crappy person, not the person I've wanted to be. Sure I could blame all sorts of circumstances, events, and situations, but, really, I made the choice.

Time for me to get back to being Better Hannah...public flogging ending...now.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday. Friday. Friday.

1. I think I've decided I do like salt in my peanut butter after all. But it does have to be crunchy. And I like raspberry jam the best.

2. My mojo's back. And I'm joyous about that!!

3. Now that my body is mostly back to functional, I really need to figure out how to get out of this holding pattern. For serious.

4. I need a social life here in MI. Anyone? Anyone?!

5. I love MI-5/Spooks...and anything spy-related and extreme.

6. Since my Mac Mail decided to go on the fritz, I've become HORRENDOUS at responding to emails...even with my CrackBerry in hand. I think I'm a victim of technology. Maybe?!

7. I think Michigan might be even more humid than NY. Maybe. Maybe might be my fave word of the mo'.

8. I start KinderMusik with the 'Dorable Newphew next week and I'm *ridiculously* excited about it!!

9. I'm really boring.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Veddy, veddy interesting.

One of my horoscopes for today:

Here is your horoscope for
Friday, June 12:

Now is a good item to make new friends and approach potential employers -- people are ready to see you in the most positive light! It all makes sense, so see if you can get closer to your dreams.

I'm choosing to believe this one!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Ironic horrorscope for the day.

Odd, really, because I'm not feeling at all clear. In fact, I'm feeling doubtful and disinterested in just about everything. Well, I'd be fine getting married, not working, raising babies, and just running and working out every day. But I can't really "plan" for that, right?!

Here is your horoscope for Wednesday, May 6:

It's the best time for you to think really big and make plans that go far beyond the next few days or weeks. Your sense of the big picture is clear, so don't let anyone talk you out of your plans.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hannah's Health - latest updates...

So, stitches for the Melanoma Frankenstein-ing were taken out nearly 2 weeks ago...zonks! There's a gnarly scar that's still being held together by the super-handy steristrips so it can continue to heal and I can (kinda) have full use of my arm. Kinda toying with the idea of getting a 'thank you for finding it early' celebratory tattoo around the scar...kinda.

On the other hand, healing from surgery to repair my indirect inguinal hernia has been much slower going and infinitely more painful than expected. There have been all sorts of HOLY SHIZZLE moments that some of y'all know about. There have also been some NOBODY WARNED ME THIS WOULD HAPPEN moments that only my Mom and Dearest Sis know about (which really means that my dad and Baby Daddy know, too. Egad!) - ok, and the late night Docs on the 24-hour emergency line. I'm a huge sharer and thrive on TMI, but there are some things you don't want to know. Trust me.

I've been mostly horizontal for 11 days now and it's wearing thin. I've been less than mobile, bored shitless, and in nearly constant pain for a month as of today...and I'm readyreadyready for it all to be over. No concentration ability, so books have been a no-go, TV is crap...and there are NO good movies On Demand. Add that my Netflix took a gazillion years to be returned and sent out this time, ARGH!!!! Really.

I'm lusting after anyone who is able to run. Or workout. Or even walk their dogs, type without discomfort, sneeze without fiery pain in their lower abdomen, and eat spicy foods again. And NOT take narcotics that don't really eliminate pain. Oh, and I'd really, really, really love to sleep in stretches longer than 4 hours - I'm F*&^ING EXHAUSTED!!!!!!! (Just not tired.)

So that's me. What about you? Lemme live vicariously...

Mmmm...blue collar laborers!

Anyone else catch the latest issue of Outside Magazine (May issue not yet online)? The one with sassy, sexy Mike Rowe on the cover? The article was, not surprisingly, well-written and filled with pithiness extraordinaire from the fabu Mr. Rowe.

Apparently, his latest endeavor is to create a website essentially connecting us (the general public; some employed, some not) to the world of physical labor in a humorous, eye-opening way, with a particular focus on "why unemployment is rising while the trades can't find enough workers...How is it that people don't want work that pays $50 an hour and keeps them happy all day long?"

I've always enjoyed tinkering with my hands - making things, restoring furniture, DIY projects, power tools - but the Blue Collar Hannah was truly discovered several years ago, the first time I stepped on a large-scale event's production lot. Pallet jacks, shrink wrap, 24' trucks, city permits, barricades, delineators, forklifts...ah!!!!! My new loves!

So, you can bet that I'll be watching Mike's new site, (get the pun? Mike Rowe works = micro works) for his updates. Oh yeah, his plan is to include links to actual jobs, too. Nifty, no?!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ain't this the truth!

Today's horrorscope:

Your spiritual life needs to take a break for the time being -- you've got way more going on in the real world than you can handle all at once! Prioritize and take care of the most important tasks right away.

Ha! It's just about all I can do to get through tonight (work til midnight-ish) and wake up tomorrow for - whoo hoo - surgery. Really. Feeling a little overwhelmed and just want to keep my head above water. Double really.

My body feels like it's being wrung through the ringer on those old-fashioned washing machines. Beat up and thrown out...I hurt. And I'm tired of it. Hopefully the next week of downtime (read as: slovenly laziness and weight gain) post-surgery #3 will really, truly get me back on track.

I want my life back, please.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Ooff. What a week.

1. I've had more negative crap happen to my body since I've been back in Michigan (6 months) than I have in for-EVER (like the last decade). From my hip/piriformis/hamstring, to catching a medicine ball with my face, to a freakin' hernia, and now 2 melanoma surgeries. Really?!?!

Addendum: one of my friends, The Divine Ms. W, put a grand spin on it and she said that I'm getting rid of the bad in order to truly reinvent myself. Powerful and beautiful. I still think that it was the duct tape holding me together has just worn out... Kidding. Kinda.

2. Granted, I've also lost a bunch of weight and even my 'skinny jeans' are now a little baggy.

3. I'm about to go into my 3rd half marathon not being fully trained. Is the message from the Universe that I need to go slow(er)? That I'm not meant to achieve my ridiculous (to some) fitness goals? Or that, perhaps, I've got other shizzle to deal with before getting fast(er).

4. I love my nephew. And he loves me. To burn off all his energy, he might actually have to start training for a half with me...seriously.

5. Spring is never going to come to Michigan. I'm convinced of it.

6. Is it ethical or moral to want the Cute Doc who Frankensteined me to ask me out. Even if he's "just" a Resident and I - hopefully - won't be a patient there much longer. Or do I just give it up...Hippocratic oath being what it is and all?!

7. Every time I think I have found my Spring Crush, the hopes get dashed...someone help a girl out!! I'm going on 3 potentials that can't/won't/shouldn't pan out. Boo.

8. Attempting to go to the gym and work out - half hour on the bike, people, nothing crazy - sucks. I felt fat, winded, and, worst of all, even the slightest sheen of sweat made my apparently-still-quite-raw boo boo STING LIKE A BIZZITCH. Whoops.

9. I have the most wonderful, supporting, loving, fantastic network of people in my life. You are the BEST!!!!! And thank you...the phone calls and emails have meant more to me than I'll ever be able to say out loud. Truly.

Runnin' again...

Howdy folks!

Spring is (finally) starting to spring, which means that Hannah's sneakers want to hit the pavement, right?! Yes!!! In theory, at least. Yes, I'm planning on running the Dexter-Ann Arbor Half Marathon at the end of May...but I may be heading into my 3rd half marathon ever so slightly under-trained. Again.

"I don't think about risks much. I just do what I want to do. If you gotta go, you gotta go." -- Lillian Carter

See, I've had some unfortunate developments that are hindering the training part. I'd had a planned surgery lined up to remove a hernia (yes, a hernia! Random.), but was blind-sided last week by a melanoma diagnosis and a couple of surgeries. Earliest stage possible and a 95% survival rate after 5 years...just puts a damper on any running plans when you can't use your right arm for a thing.

"[Wo]men are born to succeed, not fail." -- Henry David Thoreau

REGARDLESS, I'm runnin' and raisin' again. The best lesson for me to walk, er, RUN away with is that life won't stop for my personal health...and I'd rather lead by example and keep on keepin' on.

"Jealousy is all the fun you think they had." -- Erica Jong

So, I'm running with my fanTAStic Team Tiara ladies in May. And besides awareness that we'll be raising, I also have a personal fundraising goal of $625. Why that amount? Well, it'll put 5 girls through the 12-week Girls on the Run program...and our girls deserve it!

Check 'em out: www.girlsontherunsemi.org
Check ME out: www.firstgiving.org/hashmore

One of my longest-term friends who also happens to be an amazing runner (and is running Boston again) turned me on to a song that happens to stumble into iPod rotation at THE most opportune moments. The part that always gets me re-revved (particularly now) is this:

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take

On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand

Thank you, Rascal Flatts for the words. I'm standing...stand with me? Please consider making a donation - of any amount. (If for some reason, the click-thru doesn't work, the link is: www.firstgiving.com/hashmore) If a donation isn't possible, please consider coming out and cheering us on along the route - 13.1 miles needs a toooooon of cheerleaders!!!

"Follow the grain in your own wood." -- Howard Thurman

Sorry for being long-winded...but thanks for making it this far!

More life,

"Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man and work like a dog." -- Caroline K. Simon

"She was a woman who, between courses, could be graceful with her elbows on the table." - Henry James

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Really? Cancer?

So, post-melanoma diagnosis, I'm struggling with the idea of being a cancer survivor. Why struggling?

Well, am I? Am I a survivor?

Technically, yes, I am. But I don't feel like my 'battle with cancer' was hard enough. Really. No, I'm not having any fun with the Frankenstein-like arm I have now. It's inconvenient, ugly, and looks like someone took a melon baller to my upper arm. I can't lift anything (in daily life), running isn't in my foreseeable future, and even typing is a strenuous activity.

In general, I'm highly frustrated. Granted, I'm ALIVE and highly frustrated...but it's still difficult.

I didn't expect to be this flummuxed about whether or not I'm a 'survivor.' But maybe that's because I'm struggling to grasp that what I had - H-A-D...past tense - was cancer.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Huh? Really??? I'm *not* invincible?!

So, much to my surprise, I was diagnosed with a malignant mole, aka melanoma, aka skin cancer, yesterday. Ok, I might not have been SUPER surprised, but that's 'cuz it was an ugly-lookin' mole (yes, Dear Greer, I hear your voice in my head!).

Regardless, bad news is best NOT ingested when you're driving down M-14...even if you are a ridiculously cute Dermatology Resident delivering the news. (Hey - silver lining in this cloud is indeedy the Cute Doc. Just sayin'...)

The mole itself was a hair bigger than a pencil eraser, so not super big. Post-surgery 1 on Tuesday, the residual boo boo was about 2" long and not too horrifying. Evidenced here:

Post-surgery 2, I'm quite a bit more Frankenstein looking and it looks like Cute Doc took a melon baller to my arm before giving me several layers of stitches from the inside out. Evidenced here:

[NOTE: images blurry because they were taken with my CrackBerry and, honestly, my wound makes even ME, Stoic Hannah, nauseous.]

UPDATE: It's now Wednesday and I'm a fair bit more swollen (I worked for first time post-surgery today) and a horrendous shade of mustard (much like your spendy purse, Dear Greer - a shade that looks good in a PURSE, but not on a McWhitey-Pants arm).

Not fun. None of it. And, ok, the real silver lining is that my skin cancer was caught in the earliest stage (Stage IA for the curious) and that I've got a 95% survival rate after 5 years (um, WHAT?!?!?!). No bloodstream or lymph node traveling, no chemo, no radiation, but a crapload of 'staying on top of it' for the rest of my life.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I shrunk!

My cousin will love this. Especially because it means that she might not be 6'1" like we've been saying all these years. (Kidding, Daily!) So, I went to the Doctor's office last week for a well visit/check-in thingie. Of course they weighed me (I liked the number!) and then they measured me.

Guess what?! I shrunk. True, it was at the end of the day and my spine had probably compressed some from the morning...but I was 'only' 5' 8 1/2" instead of the 5' 9 3/4" I've been saying I am. Huh.


1. Really?

2. Coming out of 'retirement' has been hard on the bod. And energy level. And brain.

3. Yep, it's also official that I fell off the wagon - the training wagon. I'm going to be doing a long run today that I was supposed to do on Sunday. And I haven't exactly done the short runs either. Oh well. I'm hoping that starting our running group will help hold me accountable.

4. What running group? Well, Team Tiara, of course. It's a bunch of Ann Arbor area-ites who're all getting together to train, socialize, as well as fundraise for the local Girls on the Run council. Pretty cool, eh? The first race we're training for is the Dexter-Ann Arbor collective...yes, I'm doing the half! Wanna run with us?!

5. I might be heading back to the breast cancer world for a brief stint. Stay tuned!

6. I'm plotting and scheming and planning and playing and all sorts of fun stuff.

7. I find out Tuesday when I'm going in for surgery. Boo. I *still* find it highly ironic that I got a damned hernia at the LEAST ACTIVE time in my life. Davvero.

8. I'M SO READY FOR SPRING. I'm ready to not be wearing a gazillion layers. I'm ready for sunshine and warm weather. I'm ready to play outside...and run outside. I'm ready for pedicured toes. I'm NOT ready to have to shave my legs all the time, though.

9. My Christmas Cactus is lookin' all sorts of gorgeous. Tons of new growth and another flower! Yes, it's the little things in life that I find the most interesting these days.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring is springing!

And I need a springtime crush. I need a 'reason' (no, wouldn't be the ONLY reason, duuuuh) to keep running and want to get into my bikinis this summer. Anyone wanna nominate themselves? Or someone they know?!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

no time for thinking. really.

1. It occurred to me recently that I've done it all backwards. I started out super responsible and career-oriented in my early 20s. Became UBER career-oriented in my late 20s. And have been actively invested in becoming less responsible as I added years after 30. Really. Dogs. Events. And now waitressing. Really, really.

2. I've given up finding "just a job." There are reasons why I wasn't 'given' one...I'm not meant to have one. Fine! (Kells, I think of you EVERY time I say that. Fine!)

3. I also think of my delicious, amazing friend kelly every time anything involves a fart. Just farts!!!

4. I'm actively plotting a return to the East Coast. Yes, I know I can make it happen...or not.

5. I need a workout partner. I've found running folks...now I just need someone who's a member of the same gym as me. And considering the majority of members at this gym are, um, senior...well, I might have an interesting situation on my hands. Really.

6. Ev's becoming the non-bionic woman now that she's had her plate removed from her wrist. I'm gonna be having some mesh put in my belly - what Superhero does that make *me*????

7. It's official. I have an "indirect inguinal hernia." Yep, the kind that mostly men get - as in 97% of cases are male...and it all stems from testicle droppage. Seeing as I am not male (really) and have never had testicles in my body, much less dropping testicles, well, I'm a little disturbed at my ability to herniate. Really.

8. I'm channeling Ev - Really. I can't stop using it all over the place. It's become punctuation. Really. Really!!!!

9. Seriously, if any of y'all have access to Bells Beer, drink it. My new fave is the Hop Slam (obviously hoppy - but also a higher alky-hawl content).

I'm trying to adjust to my new, all-over-the-place schedule. Will write as and when I can...but I'm retardedly tired. Really. (Love the Ev!)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My ego SO needed this...

It's not all that often that I seek external validation, but, I can't lie, it feels GOOOOOOOD when ya get it!

I just started waitressing at a happenin' joint here in the Ypsi-tucky area...in fact, after interviewing on Monday, last night was my first night there. And guess what?!?!?! I already have the first member of my fan club. Check this out.

Go me! Wanna be fan club members just have to apply...pay me in excellent tips. ;) I'll make your happy hour (and they're great ones!) any day, baby.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Note from The Universe.

In both relationships and life, Hannah, trust begets trust.
Generosity begets generosity.

Love begets love.

Be the spark, especially when it's dark.

Hubba, hubba -
The Universe

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Biggest Loser...

IS COMING TO MICHIGAN!!!! They're having auditions here in the next couple weeks. I wanna goooooooooooooo! Think Gillian will be giving free workouts?!?!?!?!?!?!

My mom's definition of "single"...

"They didn't look haggard."


** This is my mom's attempt to get me to go to not-church with her - "there were lots of hot, single guys there yesterday." When asked to define "hot" and "single" - she wouldn't say they were tall - all I got was "No ring." and the above.


Fairy Tales.

Yes, I believe in fairy tales. And true love. And lifetime commitments. I believe that the generations that have come after our grandparents treat life, people, and things with too little care...not EVERYthing is disposable. Instead of instant gratification and constantly seeking the Next Big Thing (purse, drug, relationship, whatever...), put a little elbow grease into whatever you have before you. Are you really finished with it?

Well, I have two of the greatest love stories EVER in my family:

- My grandparents met and married within a handful of weeks...and made it nearly 54 years together before my grandfather died. I still have gorgeous memories of them flirting with each other and dancing in the kitchen - not long before he passed. I love that for their honeymoon, he took her to a beach and taught her how to shoot a pistol. (She was useless, apparently.)

- My parents met in the late 60s when they were hitch-hiking 'round Europe with their respective best friends. Her 6-week trip to Europe turned into 2 years; she left engaged to one Michael and came back engaged to another, much more British Michael. And the two couples, both sets of best friends, ended up having a double wedding! They all just began their 41st year of marriage.

Always been easy? I would imagine no. Easy to get distracted by the "shiny objects" that life tosses our way? Surely. But they've persevered...and they have great fairy tales.

My point and how did I take this tangent? Well, I want that - the fairy tale story and the longevity. I saw this postcard (above) on the PostSecret blog this weekend and I went down Memory Lane. No, not having a fairy tale romance isn't a "secret" per se and I don't fear not having one...it's just a family tradition that I'd love to continue!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Power to Bloom

Interesting parallel - how often does a gal compare herself to a plant?

So, back in the day, I had this gorgeous Christmas Cactus. I got it as a baby plant when I lived in Raleigh (yep, 10 years ago). It travelled with me to Greenville, perched on a bookshelf, under a South-facing window, and was glorious in how it grew and bloomed.

Then, I decided to move. Ok, move AGAIN. I left the plant with friends and it didn't flourish. Blame the friends? Nah. In the grand scheme of life, it's "just" a plant...and they did me HUGE kindnesses by babysitting and transporting a whopping Christmas Cactus in a ridiculously heavy (but gorgeous blue) Ikea pot.

For six years, I watched my once-thriving plant slowly shed itself. While Christmas Cacti aren't supposed to love full light, this one does...and in all my NYC area homes, nothing was even close to south-facing.

Fast forward to another move...to Michigan. Somewhere I've always been reluctant to return (for a gazillion reasons that aren't necessary at the mo'). Plant is living in the living room, 'setting up shop' in a south-facing window. And thriving. SO much new growth. And, guess what?! For the first time in the six years since I left Greenville, there's not one, but THREE buds poking through.

Yep, my lil' plant has found the courage - and desire - to bloom again. You know what else? My plant and I are on the same path. And, ironically, we both found the courage in the least likely spot. Interessant, n'est-ce pas?!

I have to give a quick shout out to a friend who gave me a not-so-subtle reminder last night that I *do* have the power to bloom and that there's no point in holding back. Thank you, sir.

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

little bits of thoughts.

1. Am I an idiot or an adventurer for not giving up my peanut butter habit? I could eat either a peanut butter'n'cheese or peanut butter'n'mashed banana sammich every day and not get sick of 'em. I know. I'm weird.

2. I can't eat scrambled eggs without cheese in them. It makes me nauseous. Eggs every other way is fiiiiine...just not scrambled.

3. I have a 'thing' for intense men wearing uniforms - SEALs, Vice Cops, Feebers, CIA agents...even a stray UPS man every once in a while. Wonder why. Thoughts?

4. I don't have a 'thing' for anything fast food...so, no men in a Burger King crown need apply. Or mailmen. Or gas station attendants.

5. I believe in marriage, but I don't know that it's necessary to my life. What does that mean? I'd rather commit to a Life Partner than have a church wedding with a big, pouffy dress, and a gorgeous cake that hardly anyone will actually eat. So, I guess I like the idea of marriage, but not a 'traditional' wedding. I'm sure most of y'all won't be surprised.

6. I still smile when I think about how many weddings I was invited to purely for the entertainment value.

7. My friend, I'll call her "The Winner," nearly gave me a heart attack tonight. She forwarded a friend's Team in Training fundraising site and I, for just long enough, thought that SHE registered to run a marathon and raise $2,500. If I'd died, think about the memorial run she'd have to create/run/organize/manage and the thousands of $$$ she'd have to raise. No. Really! That's the 'funeral' I'd want...

8. I climbed the Ikea mountain this week and WON!!! I nearly gave up my love of DIY projects and succumbed to the 'bad closer' part of my personality the other day...I met the most tedious project of my life (it passed what was previously my worst DIY project - my lingerie chest!). I tried telling my mom that the project bought me free room and board for life...and, well, she reminded me that she already DID that. Uh, whoops?!

9.My lip is now at a whopping 90-ish% functionality. Yay! The swelling's nearly all gone, I can smile and talk mostly normally (no P, V, F, or B yet), but I look kosher from the outside. The Vitamin E oil I've been using is clogging my pores and giving me pimples, though. Not to be, uh, shallow or anything, ya know.

While I'm "shout out-ing" for fundraising folks, check out a couple of friends of mine:

Lucas Coe - help stop Domestic Violence!
Michael Smith - his second full marathon for Team in Training! Can we get a unanimous OW?!?!?!

And, yes, I will be running another half marathon this year and raising some money for a cause that means a lot to me. We're fleshing out the program - fundraising to training to community building to a helluva lotta fun - now, so stay tuned for deets...it'll be a great one, I promise!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Because "love" means love, and "marriage" means to love forever.

Really. Love and marriage (minus the horse and carriage for this girl)...if it's a road you choose to travel and a commitment you really want to undertake, everyone should have that chance, yeah? I've grown up in a world where I've never known what it's like to not have something I want. I'm a white, educated, middle class, loved, heterosexual woman blessed with good genes, all my teeth, my health, and even some compassion. Theoretically, I have it all. And I don't take it for granted.

In a day and age where the choice to marry is made cavalierly and many not-well-thought-through marriages fail, I think it's high time that ANYone who chooses to combine lives for the right reasons should be legally supported. Using the power of grassroots passion, join me in standing up for love...and marriage...for everyone.

Click here and make a difference.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

I choose to believe *this* horrorscope absolutely!

Your horoscope for February 5, 2009
If you've been worrying about having spent too much recently, hannah, after today you should put those worries behind you. There are plenty of opportunities waiting for you that could bring an increased level of income, and possibly a new job, or even a new career. A lot of phone calls, e-mails, or other communication could bring news of these possibilities your way. Be sure to keep a record of the ones that seem the most promising.

Please let this be the truth. Not just to cure my penny-pinching ways for a while, but to GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO!!!! Really. I'm not good at being idle.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

weekly snippets...

1. Mmmmm...Butter Pecan ice cream. It actually tastes like Aunt Jemima syrup with some roasted pecans tossed in, but it's rather delish. Seriously.

2. Yes, I am eating ice cream when it's 8 degrees outside...and now I'm paying for it. Fuh-reeeeeeeezing!

3. I went to Russ Yoga - yoga with ropes - tonight. Not what I expected. Not BAD. Just not at all what I expected in a yoga class. Maybe I'll try Bikram...it is cold enough to want to be hot.

4. I'm having "Miami Envy." Not really, because I really don't like Miami. But it's warm there and all my event peeps - all my favoritest ones - are there producing, playing, and, by now, boozing!

5. Is also missing NYC. More my friends, my lifestyle, the constant action, and yummy ethnic food...I guess I wasn't as ready for the diametric opposite of that life as I thought.

6. I think I should just sleep at the gym - now that I'm a member and have something to DO, I'll be there a lot. Like every day. ;)

7. That there's a pool at the gym is GRAND because I'm gonna be participating in my first (totally sprint distance) triathlon this year.

8. Even though I'm complaining about doing nothing, I actually have a lot to do. I'm working on a couple start-up projects with an age-old friend and a new-ish friend...and I'm Race Directing for the Girls on the Run of SE Michigan's 5k. Oh, yeah, and rewriting/configuring a charity running program. And maybe getting involved with a kids' triathlon. Um...I'm sure there's more. Yep - working some events...things are in the works!!!

9. Loves that Gweeee-ya gave me my birthday present that she started a gazillion years ago. I'm, literally, wearing from when I wake up until I go to sleep. Luckily it's a gorgeous color (very complimentary, I'm told), warm, and cool-lookin'! Sanks, bomb diggity friend!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

LOVE waking up to notes like this.

Out of the zillions of 'inspirational' sites out there, my favorite morning moment comes from this one. A "Note from The Universe" is a fantastic way to begin the day!

When in doubt, Hannah, show up early. Think less. Feel more. Ask once. Give thanks often. Expect the best. Appreciate everything. Never give up. Make it fun. Lead. Invent. Regroup. Wink. Chill. Smile. And live as if your success was inevitable, and so it shall be.

Happy global domination,
The Universe

I particularly liked this one this morning...simple, effective, and powerful.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Exercise is *not* "energizing" or "invigorating."

You're all liars. All you people who jump outta bed and exercise in the morning and say it's energizing and invigorating and you JUST COULDN'T START YOUR DAY WITHOUT IT are full of shizzle. Whether it's running, bootcamp, yoga...I don't care. Exercise in the morning does NOT pump me up.

It makes me want to take a nap.


I've been like this all my life. As an adult, I've always worked out at night. As a teenager, our practices (at least for the sports I was involved in) were always after school...not like those crazy Stateside swimmers! Even when I danced, class was always in the evening. My point? I'm an evening/night-time kinda gal. Maybe it's how I've been conditioned. Maybe it's just what my body is used to. But I don't think so...I've never been considered a "morning person." (Which makes race running somewhat problematic.)

I run (and work out) better in the evenings. Period. I'm much more intense, interested in the activity at-hand, and motivated. And then I can stuff my face and head to bed. Going waaaaay back, I can even remember coming home from track practice (love you, Mr. Birch!) and crashing...without even eating dinner. And you folks wondered why I got so skinny sophomore year?

Right now, in this very moment, after running on the treadmill for 45-ish minutes this morning, all I want to do is go take a nap. My eyelids are supremely heavy, even after 2 huge mugs of java. In fact, I might just go do that...

Moral of the long-winded story:
early morning exercisers are crazy.

Just sayin'...

my brain only has room for short thoughts...

1. Tried a new ab workout for the last few days...but what hurts the most is NOT my abs, per se. The opposite of my obliques on the backside hurt - not the spinae erectae (or however that's supposed to be spelled), but one muscle closer to my sides. Anyone?

2. Joined a gym so I can actually run and not turn into a marshmallow. Realized after a gazillion years of avoidance, I like the treadmill. A lot.

3. I did find out today, though, that I don't like it when someone gets on the treadmill right next to mine. Especially when there are 11 out of 12 treadmills available. I loathe Space Invaders!

4. This habit of "reconnecting" that I've started is getting mildly terrifying. Why? I just found out that there's a facebook page for my old dance company/school in Kuwait. And it's the same owner/teacher - 20+ years later. (PS She was in her late 50s THEN)

5. I'm really glad that I found out I can hide my online status for facebook. That way no one can tell that I'm never really off it...I know. I have issues.

6. I REALLY have issues with word games. My cuz, thanks Daily Grace, got me hooked on Word Twist and now every word I read, I'm stopping to figure out how many words I could make out of it and would I beat my highest Word Twist score?!?! Makes reading a book - or even Perez Hilton and The Superficial - rather tedious.

7. My "stripper name" (anyone else get that email?) would be Heidi Sparkle. Boo. Not nearly creative enough and certainly doesn't showcase the fact that I can tassel twirl like a pro...even makin' 'em go in different directions.

Just sayin'...

8. At any given time, I have about 8 Scrabble games going. I'm sooo happy I'm not the only word addict. My addiction is proving to be fruitful, though: I just won a night of free Sangria guzzling. Although, Morgan's the only one that can testify as to what happens when Hannah drinks a bottomless vat of Sangria. Heh.

9. Anyone have a winning Lotto ticket they'd like to donate? I want to get out of this F-R-I-G-I-D (like my Scrabble-playing even whilst writing?!) weather and set up shop on a secluded beach in Costa Rica where I can do yoga in the morning, kayak in the afternoon, run in the early evening, and drink beer all night. Oh yeah and sleep in a hammock on the beach. [NOTE: that last one really is one of my life goals.]

Yep, you can tell life is quiet. I'm trying to maintain Big Picture perspective and use this quiet time 'responsibly' (see my post about my reading list), but I'm definitely antsy. Hopefully the gym will help...or at least get me on a much more regular sleeping pattern.


Monday, January 19, 2009

I should probably check with the fantastically creative, imaginative, Superbrain Frank to see if he minds me sharing his intellectual property...but somehow I think he won't mind. I can't lie, while they don't deviate much from my life's details and would probably do a horrendous job at "protecting the guilty," I cracked up when I read the below email.

Frank, you rock! And I reeeeealllllyyyyy can't wait for you kids to be closer...again.

Email from Frank:

The topic is obvious: Peggy Sue Smith from Somewhere, Georgia, is getting frustrated with her life in the US and going on a Tour of the World (with little money). Her journey leads to Ãœzkemer (which is probably near Izmir) where a guy named Metin Ãœzbircli (you may slightly change the names) falls in love with her after seeing her on the local beach. Metin is also the local judge and mayor and the only way he thinks he can keep Peggy Sue in his small stinking village is to arrest her and put her in prison for a few weeks. Done deal. However, for Peggy Sue the beginning of a new career. Already in prison, she gets to know the local customs and starts to influence people. Instead of leaving the place after her release, she stays, and please fill the blanks here, becomes the first female mayor. The stinking village becomes .. and so on.

Alternatively, and I cannot believe you didn't think about this before, you write about Nikolaos Papadopoulus, star fighter pilot of the Greek Air Force. He gets shut down patrolling the Greek-Turkish borders along the Ageaen Sea after being blinded by the cosmetic mirror of the German sunbathing tourist Elke Herpolzheimer. He survives, but is not found - at least not by the Greek Secret Service. Instead he also (quite like Peggy Sue) decides to take on a new life in Turkey. He is taken in by a Turkish family - the butcher, his wife the hari dresser, and their two sons. Nikolaos changes his name, does not become a butcher, but the mayor which is almost the same in this little village. You continue please...

Love, Frank


Saturday, January 17, 2009

found out about this site tonight....

I'm a sucker for catchy advertising and websites, but this is also a cause I've long been connected to. My 'problem' with the typical ad campaigns for most causes is that the call-to-action can be rather tame...why play it safe? Especially when it pertains to your health.

Breast cancer - and many others - is a highly treatable cancer if found in the early stages. Feeling yourself up can certainly help you (women AND men) stay in touch with your body and notice any changes...so, do it!

Back when I worked for the Avon Walk, I was leading an information session out on Long Island and mother in her late 40s wanted to share a story. Her story wasn't actually about HERSELF even though her family had a high occurrence for breast cancer. Her story was actually about her son...how her 20 year old son had noticed a change in his 19 year old girlfriend's breast. She got a little uncomfortable talking about her son's sex life, but she was obviously proud that he'd, truly saved a life. How? Well, the girlfriend went and got herself checked out. She was diagnosed with breast cancer that was caught in a very early stage. True story!

Moral of the story: get yourself felt up!

I can make suggestions if you reeeealllyy need me to. * wink, wink.

a reading recap...

In my quiet time of the last few months, I've created the most well-loved and -used library card in Washtenaw county. No joke. So, I thought I'd share some my fave books...and ask for suggestions!

Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society - In a word, AMAZING. Stands out from other books for so many reasons. It's told completely through letters - as in hand-written letters, which I thought would be a turn off...and I was soooo wrong. I FLEW through this book!

I Have Fun Everywhere I Go - Flying through this right now...a riot!

Anything by Kathy Reich (murder mystery), Ian Rankin (murder mystery), or James Patterson (yep, murder mysteries). I shoulda been a detective.

Reading now:
Good to Great

Want to read:
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

NOTE: This list will be continually updated.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Writing a book? Um. Ok.

It's been suggested to me over the years that I should write a book. And, truth be told, I've always felt like I had a book in me to write. But what the eff should I write about?

Fiction? Well, I'm really only a good creative writer about, um, well, one subject. And I'm not going back down that road at the moment.

Technical writing? Booooooo-hooooo-riiiiiing. I've done more than enough of that professionally.

My life? Have I done anything that interesting? Inspirational? Or is there enough fodder for comedy? It'd end up being a collection of short snippet-y chapters about some of the ridiculousness that's made up my life.

- Like when we were going to Egypt and I took the wrong passport...and didn't realize until we were just about to get on the plane to Cairo in Istanbul. And we lived in Izmir.

- Or mine & Ms. Cassidy's democratic approach to watching movies. (I think it's funny.)

- This last round in Vegas was a story unto itself.

- My mid-20s...yes, I'd change everyone's names to protect the truly guilty, me included. ;)

- I'm not kidding about the "puke around the world" stories. My sister and I can crack ourselves up retelling them over and over and over again. There are some speTACular moments...

Suggestions? Thoughts? Memories I've chosen to forget or just refuse to remember?! Fire away, kids!

life theme of late.

So, I'm playing around with social networking as a publicity tool. Why? Well, it seems to be a current theme regarding almost every project I'm involved with lately. From volunteer 'stuff,' to some work opportunities, to, well, some shameless self-promotion.

I'm also doing a veritable shit-ton (yes, Douglas, I totally credit you with introducing me to that word!) of writing...personal writing, several different freelance projects, and yet more for the future. Good times!

Thanks to SAS for giving me a swift kick to the arse and giving me an on-going opp to expand my writing resume.

Stay tuned, kids...gonna be - as always? - a wild ride!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


So, in response to my facebook status update about how Band-Aids really DO make the booboos feel better, one of my friends told me about her bacon and eggs bandaid Christmas present.

Google to the rescue - 'cuz I HAD to find these - and check this out. How freakin' cool is that?! Scroll down. Didja see the just plain bacon bandages? And the PIRATES????? How fun are these?!?!?!

I almost want someone to get sick/hurt (no, not REALLY) just so I can send a "Get Well Soon" care package of all sorts of fun Band-Aids!!!

"Doctor, we might have to amputate."

No, I hope and pray that it won't get there, but my finger is not happy. I've never had any type of infected cut - or at least not one that worried me like this. How'd it start? Damned cuticle...and now it's infected.

How infected? Well, my one finger is roasting hot and the rest are freezing. (Heat is a sign of infection, BTW.) It's also red, super swollen, and rock hard. And tingles. Even after 3 vinegar/hot water soaks, the infected area did spread a little overnight, so I'm watching it diligently.

Why not go to the doctor? They'll put me on antibiotics and I'm allergic to most of them and react poorly to the others (think extreme gastrointestinal distress and the fun that goes along with that). So, don't want to go that route.

We'll see what happens...and if it looks gangrenous, I'll go to the Doctor. Deal? I definitely don't like the idea of amputation.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

my new crush.

I LOVE this show. Love it. The host, Adam Richman, is funny AND a glutton. Awesome!

Monday, January 12, 2009

please stand by...

Sorry, dove into a writing hole and have yet to come out. Yes, I know *this* is writing, but the 'other' stuff is writing I'm getting paid for...and it's interesting schtuff.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...er, rather, 2009!

Ok, ok, so, Michigan definitely LOOKS like Christmas...and keeps looking more like it with every storm! My Dad flew in this year, so our entire family was together for the first time in 4 years - and the "Plus 1" of a new, delicious nephew.

2008 and was a crazy year for me. In short, in attempting to figure out what my "next step" should be, I left NYC hoping to find that ever-elusive thing called "clarity." What happened? Well, I'm more muddled than ever...but thoroughly enjoying hanging out with the family and teaching my nephew how to be a pirate. I'm determined to be Cool Aunt H. Although my timing couldn't have been much worse to return to Michigan - a financial collapse, the Big 3 taking a nosedive, and the holidays all coinciding, thankfully, the transition into a new year is bringing up some interesting opportunities. And, yes, I think I might be sticking around the good ol' A-Deuce for a while.

"His mother had often said, When you choose an action, you choose the consequences of that action. She had emphasized the corollary of this axiom even more vehemently: when you desired a consequence you had damned well better take the action that would create it." - Lois McMaster Bujold, "Memory", 1996

What I don't have for y'all this time around are words of profundity. Or life experiences that could shake, rattle, and roll. Life is quiet. And THAT is unusual for me...taking some patience and acceptance, fo shizzle. I've never been good at 'quiet.' I'm sure that I'll look back on this mini-chapter and wish I'd appreciated the quiet more. I'm just too used to being a "do-er" and am therefore frustrated...and taking it out on my poor body! (Don't ask me about working out, running, or yoga - I'll bore you to tears!)

"You must pray that the way be long, full of adventures and experiences." - Constantine Peter Cavafy

If there was ONE thing that I had to pick out of 2008 that was the best thing ever, wanna know what I'd choose? The people I found, those that found me, and my existing friendships that deepened amazingly. I've long been grateful for the wonderful people in my life, but 2008 kicked 'grateful' up a notch - or seven! I met some of the most life-changing friends in 2008...and reconnected with more! (Gotta love "social networking"!)

"There are people whom one loves immediately and forever. Even to know they are alive in the world with one is quite enough." - Nancy Spain (NOTE: these are the kinds of friends I have!)

But, really, I think I might be making life more complicated for myself than it needs to be. One of my goals for 2009 is to go back to Dr. Seuss: "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."

I wish for all of us a year of change, welcoming that change, prosperity, and love! May your year be as quiet or noisy, yet full as you desire...

An eternally grateful + 7 notches,

PS Yes, you are, as my momma says, THE BEST!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

someone on facebook doesn't know me very well.

'They' sent me one of those stupid application thingies...this one's for the "Nicest Person Award." Seriously? I'm many a thing, but not 'nice.'


Nice? Notsomuch. Just sayin'...

Crawford, I friend break up with you immediately.

And need to make a public declaration.

No milk is fine. No eggs is weird for sure. But NO CHEESE? I heretowith cancel our friendship of nearly 10 years immediately.

There is nothing you can do to make it up to me. 'cept eat stinky cheese with me. Or make me a frittata.

Done. O-V-E-R.

age-old debate...

to have boyfriend jeans? or to not have? For me - a "big" girl at 5'10" and unmentionable pounds - it's a requirement of any man I date that I fit into his jeans. Why? Well, it means he's larger than me in girth and (if there's a Gawd) height, as is my preference. And I can feel like a delicate little flower.

Why ELSE would a girl want to hang out with all the football players at MSU? Their intelligence? Hell to the naw! I was petite. For the first time. Ever. Well, since Erik Wold - 'Daddy Longlegs' to my 2nd grade 'Mommy Longlegs' - was taller than me when we were 8...

I mean, really. REALLY?!

Monday, January 05, 2009

new features.

Home and feeling sick, so thought I'd play around with my blog. And maybe finally send out my holiday email. Maybe.

Added a poll feature. And a blogroll feature. If you have a blog, LEMME KNOW...I need good reading and some vicarious living.

And, yes, I'm still on the job hunt. Wouldyaknow that the UofM said I'm "over-qualified" and need to dumb down my resume before they can place me? Nice.

Ok...back to crap TV, er, the news.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

proof that underneath it all...

I'm really catty, shallow beeeyotch.

1. I don't mind sitting on the couch stuffing chicken pot pie in my mouth and cheering on the Biggest Loser contestants.

2. I think there should be a Biggest Loser for 'normal' weight folks to get in kick ass shape...I'd love to win $250k.

3. I get irrationally irritated when I see overweight/obese people eating really unhealthy, sugar-filled, processed food.

4. My friend Liz was gonna quit her job and do nothing but train for triathlons. Now THAT'S the kind of "lady who lunches" I could be!

5. I really enjoy shows like the Rock of Love. I love watching seriously, SEEEEEriously trashy women, er, SHOWS, like that and knowing that I could never sink that low. Talk about esteem-boosting, eh?

6. I drink while watching Intervention. Until it gets too depressing and I forget that I'm drinking. Sadly, it reminds me of two of my bestest friends - K-dawg and MickeyG. Shout out! (Not because they're on it...we just used to watch it together. And drink.)

7. Of the Real Housewife shows, I like Atlanta the best...it's SOOOOO awful and shallow.

I'm sure there's more...so I'll update you on my shallow cattiness,

Saturday, January 03, 2009

a smorgasbord of exercise...

to try and get myself out of my 'debbie downer' mood today, i tried just about every type of exercise i could get my hands - hands? - on: i ran, i took the dogs for a long walk, i did a half hour of yoga, and i even did a bunch of core work. i might use the fitness ball for back and more abs later...

did it work? a little. but not really.

doldrums. good times.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Resolutions for 2009. Or are they just 'goals'?

1. Find a full-time job, but not necessarily make it a 'career.'

2. Run a sub-2 hour half marathon.

3. Get either a Yoga for Runners, YogaKids, or "plain" yoga certification.

4. Get health insurance.

5. Wean myself off my asthma meds.

6. Compete in my first sprint distance triathlon with Ms. Whitney.

7. Complete business plan for and set in motion at least ONE of my entrepreneurial ideas.

8. Take a writing class, start a book club, find a running club.

9. Fall in love. Which, yes, means dating. (and I'm really trying to NOT groan at the idea of dating.)