Sunday, January 25, 2009

weekly snippets...

1. Mmmmm...Butter Pecan ice cream. It actually tastes like Aunt Jemima syrup with some roasted pecans tossed in, but it's rather delish. Seriously.

2. Yes, I am eating ice cream when it's 8 degrees outside...and now I'm paying for it. Fuh-reeeeeeeezing!

3. I went to Russ Yoga - yoga with ropes - tonight. Not what I expected. Not BAD. Just not at all what I expected in a yoga class. Maybe I'll try is cold enough to want to be hot.

4. I'm having "Miami Envy." Not really, because I really don't like Miami. But it's warm there and all my event peeps - all my favoritest ones - are there producing, playing, and, by now, boozing!

5. Is also missing NYC. More my friends, my lifestyle, the constant action, and yummy ethnic food...I guess I wasn't as ready for the diametric opposite of that life as I thought.

6. I think I should just sleep at the gym - now that I'm a member and have something to DO, I'll be there a lot. Like every day. ;)

7. That there's a pool at the gym is GRAND because I'm gonna be participating in my first (totally sprint distance) triathlon this year.

8. Even though I'm complaining about doing nothing, I actually have a lot to do. I'm working on a couple start-up projects with an age-old friend and a new-ish friend...and I'm Race Directing for the Girls on the Run of SE Michigan's 5k. Oh, yeah, and rewriting/configuring a charity running program. And maybe getting involved with a kids' triathlon. Um...I'm sure there's more. Yep - working some events...things are in the works!!!

9. Loves that Gweeee-ya gave me my birthday present that she started a gazillion years ago. I'm, literally, wearing from when I wake up until I go to sleep. Luckily it's a gorgeous color (very complimentary, I'm told), warm, and cool-lookin'! Sanks, bomb diggity friend!!!!


greer said...

you are very welcome for the scarf lady...i worked on it for 3 years...what can i say?


Anonymous said...

looks like a beautiful tri course in philly... you'll do a great job. now go get an inflatable bed and camp out at the gym!