Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Power to Bloom

Interesting parallel - how often does a gal compare herself to a plant?

So, back in the day, I had this gorgeous Christmas Cactus. I got it as a baby plant when I lived in Raleigh (yep, 10 years ago). It travelled with me to Greenville, perched on a bookshelf, under a South-facing window, and was glorious in how it grew and bloomed.

Then, I decided to move. Ok, move AGAIN. I left the plant with friends and it didn't flourish. Blame the friends? Nah. In the grand scheme of life, it's "just" a plant...and they did me HUGE kindnesses by babysitting and transporting a whopping Christmas Cactus in a ridiculously heavy (but gorgeous blue) Ikea pot.

For six years, I watched my once-thriving plant slowly shed itself. While Christmas Cacti aren't supposed to love full light, this one does...and in all my NYC area homes, nothing was even close to south-facing.

Fast forward to another Michigan. Somewhere I've always been reluctant to return (for a gazillion reasons that aren't necessary at the mo'). Plant is living in the living room, 'setting up shop' in a south-facing window. And thriving. SO much new growth. And, guess what?! For the first time in the six years since I left Greenville, there's not one, but THREE buds poking through.

Yep, my lil' plant has found the courage - and desire - to bloom again. You know what else? My plant and I are on the same path. And, ironically, we both found the courage in the least likely spot. Interessant, n'est-ce pas?!

I have to give a quick shout out to a friend who gave me a not-so-subtle reminder last night that I *do* have the power to bloom and that there's no point in holding back. Thank you, sir.

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin

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