Monday, February 16, 2009

Fairy Tales.

Yes, I believe in fairy tales. And true love. And lifetime commitments. I believe that the generations that have come after our grandparents treat life, people, and things with too little care...not EVERYthing is disposable. Instead of instant gratification and constantly seeking the Next Big Thing (purse, drug, relationship, whatever...), put a little elbow grease into whatever you have before you. Are you really finished with it?

Well, I have two of the greatest love stories EVER in my family:

- My grandparents met and married within a handful of weeks...and made it nearly 54 years together before my grandfather died. I still have gorgeous memories of them flirting with each other and dancing in the kitchen - not long before he passed. I love that for their honeymoon, he took her to a beach and taught her how to shoot a pistol. (She was useless, apparently.)

- My parents met in the late 60s when they were hitch-hiking 'round Europe with their respective best friends. Her 6-week trip to Europe turned into 2 years; she left engaged to one Michael and came back engaged to another, much more British Michael. And the two couples, both sets of best friends, ended up having a double wedding! They all just began their 41st year of marriage.

Always been easy? I would imagine no. Easy to get distracted by the "shiny objects" that life tosses our way? Surely. But they've persevered...and they have great fairy tales.

My point and how did I take this tangent? Well, I want that - the fairy tale story and the longevity. I saw this postcard (above) on the PostSecret blog this weekend and I went down Memory Lane. No, not having a fairy tale romance isn't a "secret" per se and I don't fear not having's just a family tradition that I'd love to continue!

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