Saturday, November 29, 2008

statutes of limitations & Quincy Jones

I caught the tail-end of the Quincy Jones interview on NPR the other night and was fascinated...enough that I'm relistening to the interview online right now.

I actually had no idea that "Q" is such an amazingly accomplished musician. I mean, sure, I know that he's a PROLIFIC producer, but I was clueless about his early life - Chicago gangsters, meeting Ray Charles in Seattle when he was just 14, wanting to tour with Lionel Hampton at the age of, creating music for Frank Sinatra...the list of accomplishments continues for miles.

One thing really stuck out for me, though. He talks about overcoming all his "stuff," attributing much of his success to not having a mother - he says the (and I'm paraphrasing a little) "statute of limitations has expired on childhood traumas. Get over it and get on with your life." I LOVE that. It's so in line with what I believe - you either choose to win or you choose to lose. "Q" chose to win and not let his life be hampered by his "stuff."

Listen to the interview, read about Quincy Jones, or listen to the interview here: (My favorite part of the interview begins at about 10:40.)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

One of my fave organizations...with a dream job.

Too bad I have no interest in moving back to the NYC area or to CT in particular, because the Hole in the Wall Gang is hiring a Director of Special Events.

Seriously. I LOVE this organization. Just like I loved the Silver Lining Ranch (not sure if it's still around as the website's all kinds of odd).

I also love that the Hole in the Gang's getting into races as one of their fundraising arms. I'd LOVE to develop and manage that program, but someone already has that job. Bummer. Once they start working with half marathons, maybe I'll do one for them.

While I'm chatting at-large about fundraising and some of my fave charities, I should throw out Team Tiara - who doesn't love a tiara?!?! - and Girls on the Run. One of the lowest minimum fundraising requirements in existence. So, go check out your local chapter. Maybe get involved. or just run a race, any race and raise a couple hundred bucks. Easy peasy.

Just sayin'...

Monday, November 17, 2008


I woke up this morning from a dream that centered around fast-twitch muscles. Seriously. I think I'm in whacked out sick, not ill.

Dreaming about running?!?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

snowy sundays.

Today was the first day of "real" snow...nothing stuck, really, but that could change overnight. Tons of flakes flurrying around and descending at a rather good clip. Can't lie, I was rather disappointed in the weather today - I needed to run 8-9 miles today...Vegas is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!! And, yes, it crossed my mind - several times, in fact - to just not do it.

However. I've been "not doing it" all week. I crapped out last weekend at the Turkey Trot - stupid knee. And I took it easy running-wise this week to be "kind" to the ol' knee. I was NOT so lucky in the HyperFit sense, though. My ass was KICKED by my trainers this week...and my confidence seriously boosted as I learned some Olympic Lifting terms and moves.

So, I knew I had to run today. And I did! AND I had a really good run. The weather wasn't actually so bad to run in. Keep in mind that during the warmer times of the year, I'm a member of the "red-faced, obese man" in I sweat a LOT and get tomato red, regardless of the shape I'm in. I just sweat a lot. And run hot...except for my extremities.

Ok, getting off-topic...sorry!

So, I ended up having a really good run. The iPod Gawds had a LOT to do with it, though. My random pacing mix shuffled in the most amazing's so interesting to see just how much better I run when I've got good tunes to listen to. It was such a great compilation that I went back and saved it as a stand-alone playlist.

For the actual run, I did the first 3.5 mile loop solo, the second 3.5 with Maverick on a 20-foot leash so he could run, and the last 1.5 miles with Kali - she got the short run 'cuz she's my lil' Principesa...she loathes the cold.

Really good day running. On a crap weather day. Here we come, Vegas!!!!

Hope I haven't bored y'all to tears...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I *heart* Overheard in NY

What girl hasn't had a moment like this:

Woman on phone: So, should I continue not being a whore or should I go get an emergency Brazilian?

--Lexington Ave & 58th

* as posted on

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

snowshoe anyone?

One my bestest "Be Fri"s, Alice, and I did a snowshoeing 5k last year - the Romp to Stomp Breast Cancer. And we TOTALLY got into snowshoeing. I guess I'd have found out I loved it sooner if I'd lived somewhere with snow. Or snow and no public transportation.

Regardless, I just stumbled across this race in Traverse City in January. Anyone out there wanna road trip with me for some snowshoeing? Please? Pretty please. I'll be on my best - read: most fun, most witty, most social - behavior!!!!

I need friends in Michigan.

(This is me trying to not feel sad for myself that a whole buncha my "Be Fri"s are going to be palling around together in San Antonio this weekend. AND there'll be a Volpe. Man. I miss having a life.)

Thursday, November 06, 2008

So What.

It's no secret. I LOVE Pink. No, not the color, but the rockstar. And her new song, So What, just happens to be one of my Top 5 songs ever. Great for running, great for rockin' out...great for break ups (not that I've had one in, well, eff, forever?!). I very, very rarely actually watch the videos to songs anymore, but this one, well, quite simply, it ROCKS.

Check it out. (Stupid embedding disabled. Boo.)

another something i like.

so, it's no secret that i love me some pirates. yum - "lawless miscreants." imagine my delight when an email was delivered to my inbox letting me know all about agent provocateur's new line. in case you missed the link, CLICK HERE.

now i just need to find a way to justify spending a gazillion bucks on sassy lingerie...or...hmmmm...someone to buy them for me. ;)

(hi mom!)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

revised running schedule...

So, um, yeah. I didn't quite get around to running a couple of the races I thought I would. No Grete's - although I'll put it on next year's calendar!, because I left NYC the week before the race. No Detroit Free Press Half because my training tooooooootally tanked the last month I was in NYC...yeah, I was a little overwhelmed and stressed.

HOWEVER, Vegas is very firmly on the schedule! Hotel's booked, plane ticket purchased, costumes are being finalized. Oh yes - costumes! It's gonna be one helluva weekend for costumes!!! Stay tuned for pics...

Beyond that, I know I'm doing Gasparilla in Feb/March...yes, for the Maiden Voyage bell ringing, Becker! I might go do the Mardi Gras Half if Ashley can convince Foxy Bob that he wants to be in N'awlins for his 30th birthday.

Would LOVE to do the Flying Pig in May, but I'll have been in Tampa working the St. Anthony's Triathlon the week before.

Other than that, the only definite (or definite maybe?) is the Nike Women's Half in San Fran...and maybe the OBX half in November. Oooooo and the one in Maine with the 'token male runner.' My friends PRed there this year! And maybe one of John Bingham's races - penguin medals! 'Nuff said!!!

So...thoughts? Ideas? Any MUST DOs? Anything anyone's running that I might want to tag along? What's on YOUR schedule?

Oh. And, yeah. I promised Whitney that I'd do a sprint triathlon if she runs a half with me. Oy vey.

Monday, November 03, 2008

things I like...

That this is happening in NYC. Why, oh why, am I not there?!?!

And I'm soooooo glad that I'm living in a state - finally! - where they pass out "I voted" stickers. So I can actually go to Starbucks and claim my free java. Yum. And Yum.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Missing NYC.

I haven't missed NY much until today. See, today's the running of the NYC Marathon. And I've worked it the last couple of years. So, it's a little weird to be on the very outside and not even able to look in.

And by "look in," I mean cheer on the gazillions of friends who are running it this year. Actually, by this point, it's RAN. Alice set a PR - whoop, whoop! Ted, Ken, and Kathleen all ran their first full marathon! Whooo hooo! Patricia ran her 10th NYC race - and, I'm assuming, kicked some NYC ass!!!

Yep. I even miss the madness and mayhem that is the behind the scenes. The command trailer. The gators. The c-tainer. Unleashing 1000s of heat sheets. Making sure that everyone finds a spot on the ferry or a bus so they make their race start. Watching the elite racers prance about, warming up, from the Jersey dividers on the Verrazzano Bridge. Seeing the - literal - tons of discarded clothing being scooped up by bulldozers...after we've gotten all the buses off the Plaza, of course. Being in a police escort to make it back to the Finish in Central Park, hopefully in time to see the finishers.

I love event work. I really do. And this year, some of my event friends are having their first NYC Marathon - Evelyn, Adam, I hope you're still standing! MJ, Volpe, Decker, and all my other "veteran" friends, I hope this year's better than last!!!

I miss you. Bunches.