Sunday, October 05, 2008

Say YES! to Michigan!

So, I'm here.

So far, nothing crazy happening...thank Gawd! I've been catching up on sleep - I've never met a more comfortable Aero Bed, but, then, I think I could sleep on a plank and be out for hours at this point. The basement (nope, haven't been locked in yet :) ) is lovely and dark, so I can sleep, truly, as much or as late as I like. I love retirement.

The dogs? Love it. New smells, lots of open space to run, stairs to fly up - and down!, more people they know to love them. Sure, they're still getting used to not being allowed on the furniture, but if that's the worst of their new situation then it can't be horrible, right?

The drive? Wasn't so bad. Long and VERY boring...not a 'good' radio station to be found ANYwhere in Pennsylvania. And I had no idea just how rural or hilly PA is! Horrible on the gas mileage. The dogs were AMAZING and so much better than I expected. They were so tired from 2 days of barking as we loaded the truck that they crashed for nearly all 600 miles. The cab was a lot higher than usual - in my brand new Budget truck!!, so 'twas a learning experience in trust for all of us.

Other than a minor wrong turn just before Toledo that got me using my CrackBerry's GPS and mapping function, and then exiting an exit too late off I-94 in Ypsi, we made it here in excellent time and shape. Truck got off-loaded Thursday and returned Friday. And, no, NO MORE TRUCK DRIVING. For quite some time.

Now it's time to figure out what I want to do professionally. More on that...

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