Tuesday, August 26, 2008


1. My newest self-challenge. Anyone wanna join me? I haven't, um, started yet...but I'm gonna!

2. I'm actually looking forward to spending some time with the fam (and new nephew!) in Michigan. Notsomuch looking forward to finishing the packing, having a stoop sale, loading the truck, driving 600 miles (with 2 dogs in the cab!), and then unloading the truck. But, hey, that's life, right???

3. My sleeping bag is even more traveled than *I* am!!! My friend, Evelyn, got a killer chance to go to Rwanda for a couple weeks and was told she might need a sleeping bag...so, The Marmot got to go! Unfortunately, she found out after lugging it all the way there that she, um, DIDN'T need it after all. But, hey, that's life, right? (Seeing a theme??)

4. I think I'm addicted to rotisserie chicken. My roommate has the Showtime Rotisserie and it ROCKS. I love it...and my dogs think it's better than TV - they just sit there watching and salivating.

5. I've been spending so much time meandering down Memory Lane that I decided to start looking up a whole bunch of folks I haven't talked to in a gazillion years. Some are Google-able, but even more are on Facebook! Who knew?!?! C'mon, Burks, get with the program. Everybody's doin' it!!!

6. Some really, truly interesting jobs crawled out of the woodwork this past week, so, fingers crossed, something happens!!! Granted, Dallas wouldn't be my first choice, but it would be an a-m-a-z-i-n-g opportunity. Just sayin'...

7. Fresh Direct boxes are the *perfect* size for packing books.

8. 35 days...and counting. Ouch.

9. There's a hurricane named after me!!!!! Although, I guess I shouldn't be happy that I'm bringing potential death and destruction to folks, huh?

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