Saturday, August 16, 2008

I have the BEST friends. The B-E-S-T. My "Be Fri" friends...

(Just ask me. You know you wanna. "Be Fri"???)

One of the things I've been truly lucky to collect over the years is amazing - a-m-a-z-i-n-g - friends. Granted, I should amend that to "since I've been an adult"...but who's counting, right?

In my teens, the ones who stayed in touch became my Best Friends simply because we stayed in touch. And, truly, friends of "historical" context are wonderful...because they have the history. (Or is that "terrifying" and not "wonderful"??) Unfortunately, that's something I'm figuring out much later in life only because I've only stayed in touch with folks from high school on. But they ARE wonderful!!

In my 20s, I stumbled upon the most fantastic group of friends. The stories. The adventures. The fights, the make-ups, the horror, the happiness...part of being in your 20s and figuring it all out, right??? God bless 'em for forgiving me and letting me back into their lives. (No, I wasn't the nicest back world was very (read: VERY) black and white...I haven't softened completely, but I've softened a LOT compared to then.)

In my 30s, I'm getting to know myself, really know myself. (Hey, my 30s aren't even half over yet! I'm workin' on it!!!) Getting to know yourself provides you with a wonderful - THE most wonderful - group of friends. I can quite honestly say that the friends I have now will be friends of mine for forever. They'll become the newest, improved-upon "historical" friends. And, yes, they're making NY a very difficult place to leave simply because they're here.

[NOTE: Interestingly, a high school "historical" friend can be included in the Now friends circle. What does "historical" squared mean???]

So, Peggy, Whitney, Alison, Lydia P., Kelly, Greer, Alice, Elynn, Stephanie B., Roooooooooney, Reeny, Christine K., Karen, Nancy, Shaina, Evelyn, vanO, Cass, Terri, Jen S., Renee...and my "token" men: Lincoln, Morgan, Volpe, Decker, Ken, MJ, Ted, and, yes, even Crawford & Lucas. J - you're in your own category altogether. You're not all here, physically, in NYC for my "NY years," but I will always associate our friendships with me being in NY. You've all had stiff competition from my friends "back in the day"...but let's just call this your official shout out. And then you can hug me awkwardly and pat me on the back when I start to cry whenever I see you next, m'kay???

I haven't always loved the lessons I've learned. And you certainly haven't loved me every moment of our friendship - and vice versa. But, Gawd, have you all played a super, duper, wonderful, ass-kickin', kick ass role in my life. Thank you.

No. Really. (Like Ev & I would do - REALLY? Really. Really!) Thank you. Thank. You.

P.S. "Stiff competition" includes, but is by no means limited to: Jammin' J, Amy B., Tall Beth, Short Beth, Michele (where's the cellulite?) S., Oy-yay Oy-yay, Zeiggy, Kat, Wendy K., Gooooot, Amanda Sue, Missy, Mary H., NeNa, Chele, Cindy R., the Furry Redhead, Kevin B., and ALL of the Hammers (but, really, Al - you rocked my world!).

P.P.S. If we're going old, old, OLD school, then "stiff competition" would be Greer (again), Carla, Sammy, Trish, Zaborowska, Miki...TASIS, Izmir, and Greenhills - all y'all made me just as nutty as a girl could possibly be and I LOVE having you as a part of my life. (I CAN blame it on you, right???)

P.P.P.S. The oldest school I can get is Harriet, Margaret S., Sasha used-to-be-C., Mom, Dad, and Jingles. I guess it's you kids that I should really credit with how wonderfully I've turned out, huh? ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what "Be Fri" is... my best friend in high school and I bought b/f necklaces and one half says "Be Fri" ... is that it???? Hammer