Friday, July 02, 2004

Mr. Angry Man on the Bus

Argh! What gives you the right to be such a jerk? Just because you're angry-by-nature and a pompous ass, why do you have to be so rude? You CHOSE to sit on the inner seat; I didn't ask you to sit there. So, why do you have to take up half my seat as well? And while the dispatch guy was counting seats, did you really have to stand up and help him count? Did you have to question his ability? Did you realize what a jerk it made you appear to be? Oh. Wait. We already know you're a jerk...

I'll never understand people like you. Is it really *that* important for you to complain vehemently under your breath about waiting an extra minute for someone to get themselve arranged? Is getting you home by 12:47 versus 12:43 going to make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things? No, I didn't think so either.

I was always taught the only person anger hurts is no wonder you're what we could call a 'b*&%$face'! If only you'd realize we just don't care.

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