Saturday, July 24, 2004

Boo hoo

My second roomie is gone. We've had such a fabulous time. Drinking too much, eating too much, catching up on all kinds of stories.

Sitting on the front stoop talking and reading the newspaper - in our jammies, no less. (Sorry Hudson Place!!)
Keeping my 'real' roommate up while we wined ourselves in the backyard with the dogs.
Flirting with the jitney dispatcher after too many martinis.
Brooklyn til the wee hours of the morning...and the Gate's bouncer's card.
IMing at work even though we're in the same cube.
Smoothies in the morning.
Monsters in the closet? Gotta shut the door.
Did Kali steal your watch again??? Damn doggie thieves.
Our 250% diplomatic, rational approach to choosing what - and how many! - movies to watch on a Saturday afternoon.
Keeping the wine merchant in business.
Drunk dialing. Cute boys in Oregon tonight? Or firemen?
NY office wins. Hands down.
I'm sure there's more that I'm I'll have to update sometime soon.

But we'll always have 'dance like no one's watching.'

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