Sunday, July 04, 2004

Oh how I'd love to escape!

Why is it that so many experiences that I'd cherish now, but never appreciated when they happened have occured in my lifetime? Why was it that I was a bratty 12 year old who only wanted to go to the beach and look at cute boys when we summered in Portugal?

How I'd kill to be there now.

It's certainly an experience I would cherish now in my ripened "old age." How I'd love to sit in the bay window of the living room and read, looking out over the river valley and all the port grapes thriving. How I'd love to go for a late-night swim in the pool before going to bed. How I'd love to take a luxurious bath in the colorfully-tiled bathroom and its fabulous porcelain tub. How I'd love to walk into town for a delicious dinner at a local restaurant. How I'd love to take a boat ride down the choppy Douro river.

Yes, it's certainly a vacation I'd love to 'do over.' Now. As the woman I am today.

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