Monday, June 21, 2004


If you know me even just a little bit, you're probably aware that I'm a total fiend when it comes to books. Love them. LOVE them. Voractious reader. Could spend hours in the Strand (cheaper than Barnes or Borders) and walk out with several bag-fuls. (not sure if that's a word or a Hannah-made-up-hyphenated something)

Well, one of my newest, latest faves is Laurie Notaro - so, so funny. The tear-streamed face, ohmigod I'm going to pee my pants I'm laughing so hard - on the bus, no less! - kind of funny.

You should totally check her out...she's got the kind of 'club' I think my friends would like: an Idiot Girls Action-Adventure Club. With membership certificates and magnets and everything. We're cool.

PS Whatever you, don't ask my family about how I was a bookworm. My sister might wax poetic on an embarrassingly large number of Hannah-is-a-dork stories...but that's just more proof that,, I'm really cool. That's my story!

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