Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Stupid space invaders

I hate people who take up too much space on the bus. The kind of man who spreads his legs wide - I know he doesn't really need to - so that he's taking up half my seat, too. Why do you sit on the inside seat, Mr. Huge Cajones, if you need more room? Dumbass.

Or the chick who's boyfriend is taking up so much room that she's, literally, taking up half my seat. And then proceeded to roll with every movement of the bus INTO me. On a "don't touch me" day. On a bus with no air conditioning.

Or then there's the aging, NOT cute guy that paid half price to stand on the bus because there were no more seats. He's the one that decided to stand next to the pre-pubescent, scantily-clad females about half-way back...the ones sitting in front of me. Mr. Old Man decided that he'd be best positioned if he was hovering over them - like they would really be interested - and leant on the back of their seats. Which meant his ass hovered in front of my face for nearly 20 minutes. And he stepped on my toes. Twice. Ass.

I'm not typically a bitter person. But, damn, does the bus make me irrationally angry at stupid, space-invading, don't realize they're "close talker"-type people. Grrr.

I knew I was never a bus person.

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