Thursday, August 05, 2004

Sparkles should happen to everyone!

I'm in the most fantastic mood today. If I was anyone but me, I'd be annoyed by me. But, seeing as I am me, wow...if I'd known sparkles and sequins could make me this happy, I'd have started wearing them years ago! No wonder pageant princesses are so smiley - they've got ULTRA sparkles.

Ok, so maybe having a day of nothingness helped. As did the pluot and then the baklava. But the sparkles are the main reason I'm so sunshiney!! My co-workers hate me (Liz), but even that won't stop me. I like not being Crackhead Crankpot. So there all you crabapples!!!

Just to explain: I felt like being "ethnic" this morning. And just how could a 5'10" incredibly blonde, blue-eyed Anglo like me EVER be considered ethnic, I hear you asking. Well, I decided to wear an impulse buy from India that I got last Christmas (try not to sing the Wham! song, please). It's a beautiful blue shirt, cheap (it was India!), that's embroidered and has SPARKLES, commonly known as sequins, sewn in. I have to admit, I was almost intimidated by the sequins and nearly didn't buy it.

But now I LOVE them!!! I'm going to wear sequins every day!

Ok, maybe I won't. It takes a lot of energy....

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