Saturday, July 24, 2004

Boo hoo

My second roomie is gone. We've had such a fabulous time. Drinking too much, eating too much, catching up on all kinds of stories.

Sitting on the front stoop talking and reading the newspaper - in our jammies, no less. (Sorry Hudson Place!!)
Keeping my 'real' roommate up while we wined ourselves in the backyard with the dogs.
Flirting with the jitney dispatcher after too many martinis.
Brooklyn til the wee hours of the morning...and the Gate's bouncer's card.
IMing at work even though we're in the same cube.
Smoothies in the morning.
Monsters in the closet? Gotta shut the door.
Did Kali steal your watch again??? Damn doggie thieves.
Our 250% diplomatic, rational approach to choosing what - and how many! - movies to watch on a Saturday afternoon.
Keeping the wine merchant in business.
Drunk dialing. Cute boys in Oregon tonight? Or firemen?
NY office wins. Hands down.
I'm sure there's more that I'm I'll have to update sometime soon.

But we'll always have 'dance like no one's watching.'

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Who said I'm not normal?

crawfordblong (5:01:01 PM): you
crawfordblong (5:01:02 PM): are not
crawfordblong (5:01:05 PM): even remotely
crawfordblong (5:01:06 PM): normal
crawfordblong (5:01:27 PM): except that you have breasts and consider yourself a hetero female

I love Crawford. He makes me giggle.

My feeling is hurt. ;-)

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Oh how I'd love to escape!

Why is it that so many experiences that I'd cherish now, but never appreciated when they happened have occured in my lifetime? Why was it that I was a bratty 12 year old who only wanted to go to the beach and look at cute boys when we summered in Portugal?

How I'd kill to be there now.

It's certainly an experience I would cherish now in my ripened "old age." How I'd love to sit in the bay window of the living room and read, looking out over the river valley and all the port grapes thriving. How I'd love to go for a late-night swim in the pool before going to bed. How I'd love to take a luxurious bath in the colorfully-tiled bathroom and its fabulous porcelain tub. How I'd love to walk into town for a delicious dinner at a local restaurant. How I'd love to take a boat ride down the choppy Douro river.

Yes, it's certainly a vacation I'd love to 'do over.' Now. As the woman I am today.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Mr. Angry Man on the Bus

Argh! What gives you the right to be such a jerk? Just because you're angry-by-nature and a pompous ass, why do you have to be so rude? You CHOSE to sit on the inner seat; I didn't ask you to sit there. So, why do you have to take up half my seat as well? And while the dispatch guy was counting seats, did you really have to stand up and help him count? Did you have to question his ability? Did you realize what a jerk it made you appear to be? Oh. Wait. We already know you're a jerk...

I'll never understand people like you. Is it really *that* important for you to complain vehemently under your breath about waiting an extra minute for someone to get themselve arranged? Is getting you home by 12:47 versus 12:43 going to make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things? No, I didn't think so either.

I was always taught the only person anger hurts is no wonder you're what we could call a 'b*&%$face'! If only you'd realize we just don't care.