Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Catching up...before we get swamped in the holidays!

Howdy y’all!

So, the other day, I had a fabulous New York moment that – me being me, of course – I had to share. Riding the subway for my usual morning commute can sometimes be a bear. Lots of grumpy, uncaffeinated (me!), not morning (again…me!) people stuffed into a way-too-hot subway car, all getting more intimate with each other’s personal space than you would typically be on a third or fourth date with someone you *liked.* Add to the train delays because people are holding the doors open for just waaaaaaaaaay too long the fact that the conductors are typically bigger grouches than our favorite green Sesame Street character, good ol’ Oscar. Well, today was different. The other day, I had the BEST conductor ever.

We were stopped at 1st Avenue, the doors opened, and as he made the “stand clear of the closing doors” announcement, he added, “I’ll be here the same time tomorrow; hope to see you then!” And THEN, he started to sing some song that included the line, “Let’s do it again…” I’ve never heard the song, but it was great. Such a NY moment. Spontaneous laughter from a bunch of crabby NY-ers on their morning commute. Classic.

What else is new with me?? Well, winter is just ‘round the corner and I’m not so keen on the idea. Anyone have any ideas as to how I could prevent it? Ones that would keep my job for me? ;-) As in, no, I’m NOT moving for the 5th time this year just because it’s winter. I’m a weather-wuss, but dammit I hate moving!

I had a slightly scary statistical realization the other day. This year alone, I’ve had 7 friends give birth, 3 get married, 4 get engaged…and I found out about another pregnancy just the other day. Add that to the 50 other weddings I’ve been to in the last 5 or 6 years, the handful of babies in previous years, the weddings already on the calendar for next year, and the numbers can become terrifying! Thank goodness I love the person I am or I might feel like a total underachiever or that I was being left miles behind the pack…or something. ;-) Instead, I have lots of friends who like hearing my young, single Hannah-in-the-City stories. But I’m not a mischievous sort, so there aren’t any. Right?

I’m off to India in just over a month to visit the parental units. We’re doing all kinds of fun things, so stay tuned for stories and pictures! I can’t promise that my stories will be nearly as entertaining as my mother the Udaipurian movie star or her riding on elephants, but I’m sure something will happen. Get the Ashmores together and we typically come up for air with humorous stories to share.

My 29th birthday is fast approaching…and I’m really excited about it. Truly! I’ve decided to become an overachiever for my last 20. (Yes, please giggle…that’s the point.) In some format, I’m going to be doing 3 marathons. Don’t freak out totally; I’m only going to run ONE! And that won’t be until right around my next birthday…the big 3-0. I’m also going to be working/maybe bike riding/maybe something else our New York event again – marathon and a half. The first marathon (and a half, actually) I’m doing is the Avon Walk in Chicago. Working on this side has been so thoroughly rewarding that I decided I needed to get back on the walking side. Remind myself what it’s all about. So, if any of y’all want to meet me in Chicago next June, I’d love to see you. If you can’t make it, I’m always accepting financial support – heh. (Just click on the link at the bottom of the email to read more). Or maybe you want to join me on an island next December to support me as I RUN 26.2 miles. I’m toying with the idea of a tropical destination so that post-marathon I can collapse, be dragged down to the beach to re-hydrate and catch some sun; once re-hydrated, I’ll just drown myself in booze because I’d have turned 30 and I’d HAVE to celebrate. Yay!

So, that’s me. How are YOU?? Drop me a note and fill me in if I haven’t had the pleasure of chatting with you recently. Otherwise, stay tuned for more Hannah-in-the-City stories. And if you’re ever in this neck o’the woods, just holler…I’d love to meet up!

Hugs, kisses, and lotsa love,


“I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate.” - Vincent van Gogh

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