Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I'm back...miss me?

Hello all!

Yes, I am crawling back OUT from under my rock. Our event is over and I’m now nearly back to normal. Well, as normal as this chica can possibly be. Heh. (Keep the asides to yourselves, puh-leeze!)

It’s been a crazy year so far. My experiences have ranged from sleeping on an island in the middle of the East River that’s infested with rats – it’s a myth, folks! – one of whom we named, affectionately, Randall, to becoming more intimately connected to the Tri-State area, its towns, roads, and railroads than I ever imagined humanly possible. Just ASK me about the time we went to Springfield, NJ for a meeting at a car dealership. Yes, a car dealership. Not just ANY car dealership, but one of the largest – if not THE largest – in the area. AND…they put our name up in lights. We have pictures. We’re STARS! ;-) I’m proficient in “walkie-talkie” speak. I can add a slew of highly irrelevant, random skills to my Potpourri section on my resume.

I’ve met a slew of people, mostly women, across the country who not only work in offices with the “normal” folk, but apparently we’re all highly-skilled laborers…we can sling barricades like nobody’s business; pack semi-trucks so there’s not a square inch of spare space; we can drive forklifts, lulls, and 24-foot trucks around every major city in the US; we can even fend of hurricanes and blackouts with a single hand! Ok, kidding; the Weather Gods assisted us with that one. Seriously, though, I’m simply amazed at the professional company I keep. We’ve seen the best and the worst in each other in various week-long segments all summer. And I’ve never admired a group of people more…or felt closer to them. We have a weird world to those on the outside peering in, but it works. It works really well.

And, no, that’s not the end. I’m also amazed by the commitment and everyday heroism of some of the folks I’ve encountered through our walk. Wow. It’s truly humbling. I know a lot of you see me as an over-zealous, do-gooding, cause-addicted loudmouth who’s always asking you to donate money to something or other. And I am. However, I’m such a small pea on the pod, you’d be amazed. *I’ve* been amazed. Not just the people who raise five, ten, or twenty THOUSAND dollars a year in the name of breast cancer…but the ones who struggle to raise even $500. Those men and women who have never been touched by breast cancer, to those who finished their radiation treatments the day before walking 39 miles in less than 48 hours. I’ve met people who reduce me to tears every time they express their gratefulness at simply breathing, seeing a sunset, holding a loved one’s hand.

Most importantly, I’ve broken life down to the smallest pieces and found blessings in all of them. It’s so easy to be carried away in our rut-filled lives and be grumpy, negative, and pessimistic. But stop. You’ve forgotten joy. You’ve forgotten your passions. You’ve forgotten yourself. Even I (she says condescendingly - :-P) get grouchy and snappish. But that’s invariably when I’ll get a call or an email from someone – whether it’s through work or my personal life – that reconnects me with humility. Something that puts life in perspective all over again. And I’m so, so grateful. I also thank the stars that I have people like y’all in my lives. People that understand my crazy life…and do a really good job of being patient with me – at least that’s how it appears to me. . You’ve all inspired and supported me in ways you might not be aware. As always, you’re continuing to help me become the best woman I can be in this lifetime. Thank you. I couldn’t say it enough

In case you have the time to peruse, I do have some pictures y’all can check out of some of Hannah’s Happenings over the last few months. This city-wannabe chick. :-p

General stuff –
Event-related stuff -

So. Anyone know someone who can teach me how to use a jack-hammer? That’s the next skill I want to learn.

Much love,
Your fave blue-collar wannabe chick

"My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just to enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate." -  Thornton Wilder

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