Thursday, August 28, 2003

'Twas the night the stars came out in Brooklyn....

Hello all!

Yes, there was a night that we could clearly see the stars in good ol’ Brooklyn….it just happened to coincide with a blackout across several states. It was actually pretty wild – everyone in my building grabbed whatever was in the fridge that happened to have an alcoholic content and brought it up to our roof to drink en masse before everything got warm. Well, we were already pretty toasty. I had to walk back from Chelsea – not TOO bad – but there were people who’d walked much farther…however, NO ONE had gotten stuck in the subway. Thank GAWD! I can’t imagine much worse than being stuck in an airless tunnel with 1,000,000 rats and thousands of pounds of garbage. Ack. Anywhooooo…we had fun. We star-gazed. We grilled. We chatted, bonded, and got to know each other. We watched the sun set over a mostly-dark Manhattan. Interestingly enough, the brightest “light” shining was the Verizon sign at the top of one of their buildings. Coincidence? Conspiracy? Hmmm….

We were up late…or is that early? Unfortunately, I had to miss my uncle’s funeral the next day as no flights were flying out. Cancelled, cancelled, cancelled.

So, we’re three weeks out from our event. Every time I think about it, my stomach starts to churn as I run down my mental check-list of all that needs to be accomplished in the next handful of days. I’m excited, I must say. We’ve worked so hard for so long that it’s nice to know that it’ll all come to fruition soon. And the thought of meeting some of the people who have had such an impact on my life and outlook in-person is truly exciting…thrilling! The momentum builds…

That said, I wanted to get out this email to say hi, I’m ok, all is well, but I might be diving into a den of obscurity. I will poke my head out occasionally and remind myself that a world does exist outside of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer…but, sheesh, it’s why I’m here. ;-) So, please don’t take it personally if I’m slow to respond to emails or calls. Or if I don’t respond at all. My mind is more scattered than ever – and, yes, I do know that’s saying a lot, so HUSH. I’ll surface soon!!!

All y’all in the NYC area…if you’re around town the weekend of September 20-21, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND coming down to the South Street Seaport around 4:00pm on Sunday the 21st. That’s when our Closing Ceremonies will be taking place. I know you think it’s a biased opinion, and perhaps it is, but they’re so moving. Truly life-changing for some, too. I’ve seen them – what feels like – a bajillion times, yet every time, I choke up and cry. Beyond inspirational. I love seeing what all our efforts – staff, crew, walkers, volunteers, and community altogether – accomplish in the “real” world. Reminds me that the world is so much bigger than me…and my piddly worries, like I feel like I’ve gained 500 lbs, or why hasn’t that dumb boy that I like called, or that the laundry shrunk my fave white tee. So much more than me. And I want to be a part of it. I AM a part of it.

As the saying goes, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” (Thanks Ghandi!) I certainly hope that y’all are out there following your hearts, personally and professionally. It’s never too late to be happy and we really don’t know how long we’ll be here after all. So enjoy it NOW. Tell someone you love them even if you think they’re not “ready” to hear it. Read that book you’ve been meaning to. Eat that canoli even if it does exceed your “calorie allotment.” Miss me tons! Oh, oops. You do that already. :-p

Ok. Enough preaching. I love y’all! Be good. Oh, and check out this site - - and come back often. I got a new toy (digital camera!) and I’m playing with it often. The dogs are the most frequent subjects at the moment even though Kali’s terrified of the flash and hides under the bed. Our event will certainly be posted as soon as I get a chance at the end of September.

Someone shut me up…



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