Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Hannah's MIS(?)adventures in NYC

It took 3 months, but it happened. I finally saw a rat in the NYC subway. Not that I *wanted* it to happen…but I just hadn’t seen them. I now feel like a “real” New Yorker.

Regardless, it’s been a wild 3-and-a-little-bit months. Lots of firsts and I’ve even learned a lot…wanna know some of ‘em?

· I locked myself out of my apartment. And my roommate works in PA. And I don’t know my superintendent’s last name OR where he lives.
· I got stuck in a – packed! – elevator on Wall Street.
· I’ve seen “our” name in lights – well, it was really a welcome to the Avon Walkers at a NJ car dealership…but it certainly was an experience.
· A homeless man told me I was beautiful – and DIDN’T ASK ME FOR ANYTHING (a rarity, I’m told)
· I saw a very hip, well-dressed young woman steal another woman’s wallet from an ATM…thieves don’t always come in stereotypical packages!
· I had to learn the subway system the HARD way one night when my beloved L train was closed “due to an incident.”
· Legwarmers are back in – I find this scary, actually.
· My front door was recently graffiti-ed…it now says “Juicy” – cool, huh?
· My ‘hood is FABULOUS for people-watching. I swear one night some guy was wearing a Bichon Frise on his head. Ok, ok, ok, it was a large fluffy white scarf, but STILL.
· I’ve learned that EVERY time I plan to move, it’ll snow. Seriously! All 3 times I’ve moved in the last 3 months, it’s snowed…once, we even got 2 feet. So, plan on inclement weather if I ever have to move again. Grrr!

So, how do I know that I’m settling in? I can sleep through the JMZ train going over the Williamsburg Bridge a block and half from my house. I’m getting a dogwalker instead of being one. I know my way ‘round a lot of the Tri-State area better than some of the natives – I wish the Long Island Rail Road gave out frequent “flyer” miles! The only thing I can’t accommodate is the d@#$*& car alarms that go off several times a night. It’s justifiable homicide!

And, yes, even the dogs are much more “city dog” than I ever would have imagined. I’m even more of a New York Gal at heart than I would have believed. I love the energy of the city. I love the way the city and its bridges look at night. I love my job. I love my co-workers. I love the people I’m meeting and the experiences they share with me. I even love the witchy Russian girl who runs the register at the corner bagel store – she’s so “New York.” It’s all part of the experience, right?

I’ve even decided to tackle the fundraising hurdle again. The American Cancer Society has a Dogswalk every year, so guess who’s participating. Me! And my stinky pooches. We’d love your support if you’d be so inclined - If you’ve already donated THANK YOU! We highly, highly appreciate it. Yes, I know…I’m a fundraising geek. I really do like it! Guess that makes me perfect for my job, huh?

I’m sorry I don’t get to talk to more of you more often. Life is crazy up here…between work, working weekends, weddings, traveling to other events, and SLEEP, there’s precious little time. Can’t wait for summer when things will slow down a little! I think of you often and miss you more. I definitely miss Girl’s Nights and impromptu Barley’s pizza trips. Let me know if you’re ever out this way…

But it did take me 3 months to see my first rat in NYC…and little over 3 months to see my first mouse!

Much love,

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