Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Because "love" means love, and "marriage" means to love forever.

Really. Love and marriage (minus the horse and carriage for this girl)...if it's a road you choose to travel and a commitment you really want to undertake, everyone should have that chance, yeah? I've grown up in a world where I've never known what it's like to not have something I want. I'm a white, educated, middle class, loved, heterosexual woman blessed with good genes, all my teeth, my health, and even some compassion. Theoretically, I have it all. And I don't take it for granted.

In a day and age where the choice to marry is made cavalierly and many not-well-thought-through marriages fail, I think it's high time that ANYone who chooses to combine lives for the right reasons should be legally supported. Using the power of grassroots passion, join me in standing up for love...and marriage...for everyone.

Click here and make a difference.

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