Friday, February 01, 2008

Some days...

I have moments some days where I want to reconnect with people. Not the people who you simply lose touch with over the course of, well, life...those people that you have a 'thing' with. The 'thing' could be a superb fight with a friend, a breakup that you're not sure if the other person really gets that it was a breakup, or the like.

Some days.

And then I remember that neither party will be in the same place. We're both different people. The memories are just that - memories. And that makes me a little sad. Sad, but I still realize that there's space for new...and new is rarely bad. In fact, in my life, new effin' rocks.

For the first time in a while, my life feels 'new.' My two words for 2008 were, in fact, "re-engage" and "new." As much as I loathe him as an actor, my life actually feels a little like the Jim Carey movie that's coming out soon: Yes. it's about a man who says "YES" to everything that comes along...for an entire year. Talk about growth!

Well, I'm saying yes. It's not always comfortable. And some of my "yeses" I'm doing the legwork for to create the opportunity...but I'm still saying yes. And I sure did get re-engaged.

I could get all Oprah and throw in a token "Best Year Ever"...but, well, even I don't wanna get that cheesy. Let's just say that welcoming new is welcome!

Your new?

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