Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Unconditional love...

I know I talk about my dogs a lot. I know that some people think I'm nuts because I talk about my dogs a lot. I know people think I'm a little off-kilter calling them my "kids." One excuse could certainly be that they're as much my family as I could have seeing as my blood, 2-legged family is many, many miles away.

I just got back from working our DC event this afternoon, so I'm sitting here catching up on emails...after an afternoon of sleeping because I was THAT tired. Of course, naptime included snuggle time with a sleek Kali and my bo-hunk Mav, but - apparently - Mav still misses me. I just got a big ol' head plopped in my lap with those brown hound eyes staring up at me. A "get off the computer look and pet me" look if ever there was one.

Now, that's love. ;-)

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