Thursday, February 26, 2009

My ego SO needed this...

It's not all that often that I seek external validation, but, I can't lie, it feels GOOOOOOOD when ya get it!

I just started waitressing at a happenin' joint here in the Ypsi-tucky fact, after interviewing on Monday, last night was my first night there. And guess what?!?!?! I already have the first member of my fan club. Check this out.

Go me! Wanna be fan club members just have to me in excellent tips. ;) I'll make your happy hour (and they're great ones!) any day, baby.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Note from The Universe.

In both relationships and life, Hannah, trust begets trust.
Generosity begets generosity.

Love begets love.

Be the spark, especially when it's dark.

Hubba, hubba -
The Universe

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Biggest Loser...

IS COMING TO MICHIGAN!!!! They're having auditions here in the next couple weeks. I wanna goooooooooooooo! Think Gillian will be giving free workouts?!?!?!?!?!?!

My mom's definition of "single"...

"They didn't look haggard."


** This is my mom's attempt to get me to go to not-church with her - "there were lots of hot, single guys there yesterday." When asked to define "hot" and "single" - she wouldn't say they were tall - all I got was "No ring." and the above.


Fairy Tales.

Yes, I believe in fairy tales. And true love. And lifetime commitments. I believe that the generations that have come after our grandparents treat life, people, and things with too little care...not EVERYthing is disposable. Instead of instant gratification and constantly seeking the Next Big Thing (purse, drug, relationship, whatever...), put a little elbow grease into whatever you have before you. Are you really finished with it?

Well, I have two of the greatest love stories EVER in my family:

- My grandparents met and married within a handful of weeks...and made it nearly 54 years together before my grandfather died. I still have gorgeous memories of them flirting with each other and dancing in the kitchen - not long before he passed. I love that for their honeymoon, he took her to a beach and taught her how to shoot a pistol. (She was useless, apparently.)

- My parents met in the late 60s when they were hitch-hiking 'round Europe with their respective best friends. Her 6-week trip to Europe turned into 2 years; she left engaged to one Michael and came back engaged to another, much more British Michael. And the two couples, both sets of best friends, ended up having a double wedding! They all just began their 41st year of marriage.

Always been easy? I would imagine no. Easy to get distracted by the "shiny objects" that life tosses our way? Surely. But they've persevered...and they have great fairy tales.

My point and how did I take this tangent? Well, I want that - the fairy tale story and the longevity. I saw this postcard (above) on the PostSecret blog this weekend and I went down Memory Lane. No, not having a fairy tale romance isn't a "secret" per se and I don't fear not having's just a family tradition that I'd love to continue!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Power to Bloom

Interesting parallel - how often does a gal compare herself to a plant?

So, back in the day, I had this gorgeous Christmas Cactus. I got it as a baby plant when I lived in Raleigh (yep, 10 years ago). It travelled with me to Greenville, perched on a bookshelf, under a South-facing window, and was glorious in how it grew and bloomed.

Then, I decided to move. Ok, move AGAIN. I left the plant with friends and it didn't flourish. Blame the friends? Nah. In the grand scheme of life, it's "just" a plant...and they did me HUGE kindnesses by babysitting and transporting a whopping Christmas Cactus in a ridiculously heavy (but gorgeous blue) Ikea pot.

For six years, I watched my once-thriving plant slowly shed itself. While Christmas Cacti aren't supposed to love full light, this one does...and in all my NYC area homes, nothing was even close to south-facing.

Fast forward to another Michigan. Somewhere I've always been reluctant to return (for a gazillion reasons that aren't necessary at the mo'). Plant is living in the living room, 'setting up shop' in a south-facing window. And thriving. SO much new growth. And, guess what?! For the first time in the six years since I left Greenville, there's not one, but THREE buds poking through.

Yep, my lil' plant has found the courage - and desire - to bloom again. You know what else? My plant and I are on the same path. And, ironically, we both found the courage in the least likely spot. Interessant, n'est-ce pas?!

I have to give a quick shout out to a friend who gave me a not-so-subtle reminder last night that I *do* have the power to bloom and that there's no point in holding back. Thank you, sir.

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

little bits of thoughts.

1. Am I an idiot or an adventurer for not giving up my peanut butter habit? I could eat either a peanut butter'n'cheese or peanut butter'n'mashed banana sammich every day and not get sick of 'em. I know. I'm weird.

2. I can't eat scrambled eggs without cheese in them. It makes me nauseous. Eggs every other way is fiiiiine...just not scrambled.

3. I have a 'thing' for intense men wearing uniforms - SEALs, Vice Cops, Feebers, CIA agents...even a stray UPS man every once in a while. Wonder why. Thoughts?

4. I don't have a 'thing' for anything fast, no men in a Burger King crown need apply. Or mailmen. Or gas station attendants.

5. I believe in marriage, but I don't know that it's necessary to my life. What does that mean? I'd rather commit to a Life Partner than have a church wedding with a big, pouffy dress, and a gorgeous cake that hardly anyone will actually eat. So, I guess I like the idea of marriage, but not a 'traditional' wedding. I'm sure most of y'all won't be surprised.

6. I still smile when I think about how many weddings I was invited to purely for the entertainment value.

7. My friend, I'll call her "The Winner," nearly gave me a heart attack tonight. She forwarded a friend's Team in Training fundraising site and I, for just long enough, thought that SHE registered to run a marathon and raise $2,500. If I'd died, think about the memorial run she'd have to create/run/organize/manage and the thousands of $$$ she'd have to raise. No. Really! That's the 'funeral' I'd want...

8. I climbed the Ikea mountain this week and WON!!! I nearly gave up my love of DIY projects and succumbed to the 'bad closer' part of my personality the other day...I met the most tedious project of my life (it passed what was previously my worst DIY project - my lingerie chest!). I tried telling my mom that the project bought me free room and board for life...and, well, she reminded me that she already DID that. Uh, whoops?!

9.My lip is now at a whopping 90-ish% functionality. Yay! The swelling's nearly all gone, I can smile and talk mostly normally (no P, V, F, or B yet), but I look kosher from the outside. The Vitamin E oil I've been using is clogging my pores and giving me pimples, though. Not to be, uh, shallow or anything, ya know.

While I'm "shout out-ing" for fundraising folks, check out a couple of friends of mine:

Lucas Coe - help stop Domestic Violence!
Michael Smith - his second full marathon for Team in Training! Can we get a unanimous OW?!?!?!

And, yes, I will be running another half marathon this year and raising some money for a cause that means a lot to me. We're fleshing out the program - fundraising to training to community building to a helluva lotta fun - now, so stay tuned for'll be a great one, I promise!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Because "love" means love, and "marriage" means to love forever.

Really. Love and marriage (minus the horse and carriage for this girl)...if it's a road you choose to travel and a commitment you really want to undertake, everyone should have that chance, yeah? I've grown up in a world where I've never known what it's like to not have something I want. I'm a white, educated, middle class, loved, heterosexual woman blessed with good genes, all my teeth, my health, and even some compassion. Theoretically, I have it all. And I don't take it for granted.

In a day and age where the choice to marry is made cavalierly and many not-well-thought-through marriages fail, I think it's high time that ANYone who chooses to combine lives for the right reasons should be legally supported. Using the power of grassroots passion, join me in standing up for love...and marriage...for everyone.

Click here and make a difference.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

I choose to believe *this* horrorscope absolutely!

Your horoscope for February 5, 2009
If you've been worrying about having spent too much recently, hannah, after today you should put those worries behind you. There are plenty of opportunities waiting for you that could bring an increased level of income, and possibly a new job, or even a new career. A lot of phone calls, e-mails, or other communication could bring news of these possibilities your way. Be sure to keep a record of the ones that seem the most promising.

Please let this be the truth. Not just to cure my penny-pinching ways for a while, but to GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO!!!! Really. I'm not good at being idle.