Saturday, October 18, 2008


1. Why are you supposed to brush your teeth THEN floss? Logistically (yes, that's how I think about nearly everything), doesn't it make more sense to pick the schtuff outta your teeth with the floss and THEN to clean it all away by brushing?

2. I really like going to the Farmer's Market. Ann Arbor's is particularly wonderful. I just hate that you have to go so stinkin' early to get the best goods. Boo on weekend mornings!

3. Angelo's is just as good as I remembered it!!!

4. So, I'm applying for a job at REI. What are the chances that I'll actually bring any of my paycheck home, cute lil' Gearhead that I am?!

5. I've been here just over two weeks and I've already got part-time jobs lined up, some volunteer work, and a couple of races planned. Whoooo-eeee!

6. My nephew is indeed a-DOR-able!!! And he loves him some Auntie Hannah. Just sayin'...

7. I'm really not a fan of winter & it's fast approaching. Whatever happened to the Indian Summers of my youth?! Me who just donated my parka and down vest. Boo to winter!

8. Could it be that I'm actually thinking about staying in MI longer than just the end of the year? Egads. Who'da thunk?

9. Not being at the NYC Marathon this year is gonna be hard. So many friends running and working...and I don't get to come in to play. Boo on having no social life.

...but things are otherwise great!!! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are actually supposed to floss FIRST - then brush...I think that has changed in dental "best practice" in the last couple of years...but it's okay - you live in MI now, you many not have known that yet! :-)

Glad to hear you are doing your friends get discounts? shopping sprees?

Will call you later this am!