Monday, October 06, 2008

I'm so self-centered...

All I can do for the last day or so is stalk friends on Facebook (update your status already!!!) and scan for any mention of, you know, ME!

So, one of my long-standing Jen friends (I know a LOTTA Jens) changed her status to this last night:

Jennifer B is thinking about how even on Facebook, Hannah Ashmore is still the most social person she knows...


I've known this particular Jen since I worked at Barnes and Noble part-time over a decade (scary!) ago. I had about a gazillion different social circles and I loved throwing parties to have everyone meet each other...the "I've heard SO MUCH about you-s" were rampant. Pat on the back me!

And, yes, I fully realize that not much has changed...I still have a gazillion social circles and things that I'm doing!

socialite h

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