Friday, August 06, 2010

2011 - set to be an epic year of running.

After a year spent mostly squishy and certainly not well-maintained physically (I blame it on the truffle fries at the Jolly Pumpkin!), 2011 is already starting out to be a rather epic year of running. Why?


- My dear friend, Amy Becker, asked me to be a part of the Hood to Coast relay team she's coordinating. F-U-N!!!
- It's also the 100th running of the Bay to Breakers event and I kinda feel like I should be in on the action.
- This *HAS* to be the year to run Cincinnati's Flying Pig half. It just has to.
- I'm even toying with running my first - only? - full marathon if I2Y/Stupid Cancer gets bibs for the NYC Marathon.
- I'd love to get one of the Rock'n'Roll series' Heavy Medals...which means running at least 2 of their races. Amy's roped me in to Savannah's inaugural race in November, but I'm thinking that NOLA could use me, too. I might even be super crazy pants and try for Philly, too.

Anyone wanna join in the McFunski good times?! Mr. Hal Higdon's website and I just sat down and created a training plan for the next 2.5 months. And now I have to get going on the next YEAR AND A HALF!!! Daunting much?

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