Friday, August 06, 2010

2011 - set to be an epic year of running.

After a year spent mostly squishy and certainly not well-maintained physically (I blame it on the truffle fries at the Jolly Pumpkin!), 2011 is already starting out to be a rather epic year of running. Why?


- My dear friend, Amy Becker, asked me to be a part of the Hood to Coast relay team she's coordinating. F-U-N!!!
- It's also the 100th running of the Bay to Breakers event and I kinda feel like I should be in on the action.
- This *HAS* to be the year to run Cincinnati's Flying Pig half. It just has to.
- I'm even toying with running my first - only? - full marathon if I2Y/Stupid Cancer gets bibs for the NYC Marathon.
- I'd love to get one of the Rock'n'Roll series' Heavy Medals...which means running at least 2 of their races. Amy's roped me in to Savannah's inaugural race in November, but I'm thinking that NOLA could use me, too. I might even be super crazy pants and try for Philly, too.

Anyone wanna join in the McFunski good times?! Mr. Hal Higdon's website and I just sat down and created a training plan for the next 2.5 months. And now I have to get going on the next YEAR AND A HALF!!! Daunting much?

It's been a while, eh?

Missed me? And my blathering? (Please say yes...I'm fra-geeee-lay as they say in Italian)

So, what *have* I been up to? A whole lotta not much. Work, mostly. Some volunteering. Some soiree hosting. Tons of playing with the 'Dorable Nephew.

I decided to stay in Michigan. Odd to most folks, sure, including me, but it works. I left NYC wanting a quieter life and to feel a sense of community again - and the A2/Ypsi area is giving me just that. Even being around family is kinda fun. Yes, yes, after an adulthood of actively avoiding being in the same town - state! - as my family, having my nuclear family within a 5 minute drive is quite pleasant.

Some have commented that I decided to stick around a while ago...notsomuch. My brain and short-term dreams certainly didn't include Michigan until I decided to resign my lease for another year and start looking for a Big Girl Job here in SE MI. And I am now, indeed, looking for full-time, meaningful employment that will allow me to fully blossom...and have most nights and weekends available for Big Girl fun. (And maybe even some dating!!!)

So, stay tuned. I've had some good interviews and some disastrous ones...and the positions simply become more and more intriguing!!!