Thursday, March 19, 2009


1. Really?

2. Coming out of 'retirement' has been hard on the bod. And energy level. And brain.

3. Yep, it's also official that I fell off the wagon - the training wagon. I'm going to be doing a long run today that I was supposed to do on Sunday. And I haven't exactly done the short runs either. Oh well. I'm hoping that starting our running group will help hold me accountable.

4. What running group? Well, Team Tiara, of course. It's a bunch of Ann Arbor area-ites who're all getting together to train, socialize, as well as fundraise for the local Girls on the Run council. Pretty cool, eh? The first race we're training for is the Dexter-Ann Arbor collective...yes, I'm doing the half! Wanna run with us?!

5. I might be heading back to the breast cancer world for a brief stint. Stay tuned!

6. I'm plotting and scheming and planning and playing and all sorts of fun stuff.

7. I find out Tuesday when I'm going in for surgery. Boo. I *still* find it highly ironic that I got a damned hernia at the LEAST ACTIVE time in my life. Davvero.

8. I'M SO READY FOR SPRING. I'm ready to not be wearing a gazillion layers. I'm ready for sunshine and warm weather. I'm ready to play outside...and run outside. I'm ready for pedicured toes. I'm NOT ready to have to shave my legs all the time, though.

9. My Christmas Cactus is lookin' all sorts of gorgeous. Tons of new growth and another flower! Yes, it's the little things in life that I find the most interesting these days.

1 comment:

gw said...

So you are going to have surgery...keep me updated!