Friday, August 31, 2007

Makin' out like high schoolers...

So, as I sat in a park today and watched a man devour his female companion with kisses, it occurred to me:

I'm ready to date again.

Those that are 'in the know' know that there was someone and then a self-imposed hiatus while I got my "stuff" together. Well, apparently, said "stuff" IS together - 'cuz I'm ready to re-enter the dating pool. No, not in the way that I have dated - mom, stop reading now! - but in a more grown up in, well, um, I'm less DEtached. Don't read that as I need to be ATtached to someone immediately. It simply means that I'm more available, less walls.

So, what do I want? For starters, some serious make out sessions. Serious. With the fervor that we all had in high school, but the knowledge and skill - heh - that I've gained along the way. And, yes, I may have had an opportunity or two along the way.

I want teasing and tantalizing. (Lots of it) Kisses and groping. (LOTS of it) I want to hit every single base, with major league emphasis on the first 3 so that said 'teasing and tantalizing' is seeeeeeeeriously drawn out. Naughtiness galore!

I want to go skinny dipping with a man I have every intention of devouring...and, oh yes, of being devoured. I want to sit in a park and have a man shower me with kisses all over those neck-related sweet spots. I would love to practice the art of lapdancing. And maybe striptease. And I could never forget the burlesque skills I've learned along the way - bump, grind, shimmy, shake, strut, and, oh yes, PRUH-SENT.

Yep. That's the gist of what I'd like. The specifics can be discussed in-person. If you have any ideas, lemme know. Not just what activities could be undertaken, but of, well, anyone who might be a willing and able-bodied partner in least willing to apply and be interviewed.

Let the games begin!

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