Friday, August 31, 2007

I *love* horrorscopes!

So, as I was mildly obsessing about kissing yesterday, my horoscope sitting in my inbox was this:

Now is the perfect time to spruce up your love life. Even if you've been partnered up for years now, your good energy is just right for rekindling that spark you both remember. If you're single, you won't be for long!

And...YAY! How fun is that?

As an aside - yesterday was simply an affirmation that things are indeed going the way the should AND I want them to. It's such a blessing to be granted a small kindness like that!

Makin' out like high schoolers...

So, as I sat in a park today and watched a man devour his female companion with kisses, it occurred to me:

I'm ready to date again.

Those that are 'in the know' know that there was someone and then a self-imposed hiatus while I got my "stuff" together. Well, apparently, said "stuff" IS together - 'cuz I'm ready to re-enter the dating pool. No, not in the way that I have dated - mom, stop reading now! - but in a more grown up in, well, um, I'm less DEtached. Don't read that as I need to be ATtached to someone immediately. It simply means that I'm more available, less walls.

So, what do I want? For starters, some serious make out sessions. Serious. With the fervor that we all had in high school, but the knowledge and skill - heh - that I've gained along the way. And, yes, I may have had an opportunity or two along the way.

I want teasing and tantalizing. (Lots of it) Kisses and groping. (LOTS of it) I want to hit every single base, with major league emphasis on the first 3 so that said 'teasing and tantalizing' is seeeeeeeeriously drawn out. Naughtiness galore!

I want to go skinny dipping with a man I have every intention of devouring...and, oh yes, of being devoured. I want to sit in a park and have a man shower me with kisses all over those neck-related sweet spots. I would love to practice the art of lapdancing. And maybe striptease. And I could never forget the burlesque skills I've learned along the way - bump, grind, shimmy, shake, strut, and, oh yes, PRUH-SENT.

Yep. That's the gist of what I'd like. The specifics can be discussed in-person. If you have any ideas, lemme know. Not just what activities could be undertaken, but of, well, anyone who might be a willing and able-bodied partner in least willing to apply and be interviewed.

Let the games begin!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Two minutes and forty-nine seconds of what I'm thinking right now!

Again, with the iPod Gawds...shuffle brought me to Tom Petty's "Feel a Whole Lot Better" and it tooooooootally reminded me that I'm ok with a whole lotta of everything going on right now, but - BUT - it's directly applicable to making some healthy choices in the last week or so.

Thank you iPod Gawds & Mr, Petty!!

PS I always think of the concert Theisen, his buds, and I went to in Hotlanta to see Mr. Petty about a bazillion years ago. THAT was an awesome weekend.
Tom Petty - Feel A Whole Lot Better Lyrics

The reason why, oh I can't say
I have to let you go babe, and right away
After what you did I can't stay on
And I'll probably feel a whole lot better
When you're gone

Baby for a long time you had me believe
That your love was all mine
And that's the way it would be
But I didn't know that you were puttin' me on
And I'll probably feel a whole lot better
When you're gone

Now I gotta say that it's not like before
And I'm not gonna play your games anymore
After what you did I can't stay on
And I'll probably feel a whole let better
When you're gone


1. Went to the actual movie theatre for a movie yesterday - exciting! And the first thought that I had as I was waiting for the movie to start was that the women behind me was a serious bizzy bizzitch. Who - WHO - could ever think that a tuna fish sandwich was something kind or appropriate to share with fellow moviegoers? Seriously. And, yes, I did indeed turn around and give her the "What the eff?!?!?!" stare.

2. I'm ready for the next flower in the 'Garden of Hannah'...stay tuned. Just collecting the funds now. Maybe I should start a fundrasiing site! ;)

3. I might get another, smaller, just as meaningful tattoo in the interim. Yes, it's an addiction.

4. I finally, FINALLY have another professional goal. Sad that it took so long, but it's a biggun! In some ways, just as large a step as moving to NYC was for me - personally AND professionally. Again, stay tuned; the Universe and I are workin' on it.

5. Heading to NC this weekend for a wedding. YAY! Beach, old friends, old-ish friends, a wedding, beers, a margarita machine. But, even bigger for me, is that I'm NOT seeing Mr. Big. Time to let that one go...for real.

6. Life is really good these days. Quiet, uneventful, but 'easy' in the sense that there's no "real" tension or anger or the like. Life is good. But my dawgs would say that they're ready for Hershey to come back from vacay, please; they're bored.

7. I have way too many items of clothing...yet none that I want to get rid of. Yep, just did a bazillion loads of laundry and I looooooooathe folding clothes. Loooooooooooooathe!

8. I have wonderful friends. If there's one thing I've spent a lot of time thinking about lately is that I truly am surrounded by amazing people; I'm definitely blessed. I am SO thankful for the people in my life - the 'cream that's risen to the top'...that's how I think of you!

9. I'm going on vacation!!!! So, here comes the cowboy hat... And I'm NOT taking my laptop.