Sunday, January 30, 2005

'Typical guy'...

I was asked the other day by a very interesting friend what my 'type' of man is...good gravy. Most folks that know me well know that there isn't really one type that I'm attracted to - they've run the gamut. Yet, I'm not one of those women that can list 37 things they hate before focusing on what they WANT.

So, what was my answer? Of course, I mentioned that I'm a height-ist; being a tall girl, I do prefer a man who's at least my height with, hopefully, a larger waist-size...I do love 'boyfriend jeans.' I think, unfortunately, that I might have gotten distracted by shiny objects and not continued the conversation...and, therefore, making myself sound much more shallow that I typically am. Hey, I had Saturday Brain...

Here's more:

I want intrigue, mental stimulation.
A multi-dimensional man.
Creativity, however it manifests in your life.
Truth. Spoken and emotional honesty.
Parallel lives.
Interest in the world - traveling, cultures, books, food, art.
Open-minded and -hearted.
A man that wants to dig deep inside o'me - goals, passions, fears, what makes me tick AND tock.
Someone who'll say 'NO' to me if it's pushovers, please.
Inner strength.
A hand-holding, Saturday afternoon couch-snuggling, kisses in the morning, noon, and night kinda fiend.
A man that will let me in and not only feed himself to me piecemeal.
Someone who wants it all, too, and isn't willing to settle for less.
No members of the 'plaid shirt & khaki brigade.'
The kind of guy that'll chase me down the street to toss snowballs because I nailed him with one REALLY well...and laughs the entire time.
A Saturday-night-Scrabble-player who moonlights as a NYC pubcrawler, too.
Did I mention multi-faceted?

Essentially, a man that loves coffee & all types of food; that is convinced 'sexy' is an attitude, not a body part; that prefers no make-up and lip balm to fake nails & spiked heels; and that always considers dog hair an essential part of my wardrobe.

Everything's negotiable 'cept ethics, morals, and values. Ok...maybe not. ;-) I also require the amazing rolls in the hay that all Harlequin novels proclaim to be 'normal.'

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