Friday, April 23, 2004


So, I've got this friend. Her name's Greer. We've known each other since we were seniors in high school. She went to Rome during her college years and wrote me handwritten letters. Who does that?!?! For some reason, I always wrote back to G.N.O.B.S., not Greer. The acronym is just her initials, but it's always made my inner voice chuckle. Yes, once again, more proof that Hannah's a dork.

She's a copycat blogger...;-) Check it out! She's got quite possibly the most rid-ICK-ulous job I've ever encountered. And has the "fortune" of working with a nutso boss-woman who loves to flash her [fake] perky boobs and the moodiest [PMS-y?] straight man ever.

She's a hoot and I love having her as my friend. Even more so since she got the autograph of Jesse Martin who happens to be my #1 out of my Top Five (gawd, I love High Fidelity) "Freebies" list. (As in, if I'm in a relationship, the Top Five people who I just couldn't say no to should they happen to be standing nekkid before me and worshiping the ground I work on...) I love Greer. Is it ok to love Jesse more?

Ah. Friday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Yet another reason to LOVE Craigslist...

You can register to vote! I just re-registered for the millionth time in the last couple years (ANOTHER address/state change) through a very cool site, Working Assets . Several clicks, fill out some information, change your address...print the PDF - and voila! You fold the piece of paper and send it in.

Very cool. Very easy. And we all need to do our civic duty and's *OUR* welfare at stake!