Saturday, November 29, 2008

statutes of limitations & Quincy Jones

I caught the tail-end of the Quincy Jones interview on NPR the other night and was fascinated...enough that I'm relistening to the interview online right now.

I actually had no idea that "Q" is such an amazingly accomplished musician. I mean, sure, I know that he's a PROLIFIC producer, but I was clueless about his early life - Chicago gangsters, meeting Ray Charles in Seattle when he was just 14, wanting to tour with Lionel Hampton at the age of, creating music for Frank Sinatra...the list of accomplishments continues for miles.

One thing really stuck out for me, though. He talks about overcoming all his "stuff," attributing much of his success to not having a mother - he says the (and I'm paraphrasing a little) "statute of limitations has expired on childhood traumas. Get over it and get on with your life." I LOVE that. It's so in line with what I believe - you either choose to win or you choose to lose. "Q" chose to win and not let his life be hampered by his "stuff."

Listen to the interview, read about Quincy Jones, or listen to the interview here: (My favorite part of the interview begins at about 10:40.)

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