Tuesday, August 10, 2004

I'm in love with an outlaw...

Ok, so maybe, just maybe 'love' is a strong word...but WOAH. (I'm showing my age - total TV product of the 80s and 90s, Joey Lawrence!) I finally got sucked in by the show 'Monster Garage' last night - I told you cable would be the death of me! The Firetruck Brewery was pure genius!!!

Jesse James is HOT!!! Not just cuz he's a big, strapping man - just my type. Not just cuz he's ruggedly handsome and tattooed - one of my types. Not just cuz he's got charisma and people jump just as high as he asks (mmm...power) - just my type. But the guy can weild a blow torch like nobody's bidness. Hot diggity damn! I love, love, love men that can build things. I love them even more if they can make something outta nothing. Builders with brains, not just brawn. (I should make a t-shirt out of that!) Brings out the blue collar in me...

Mom, would you mind if I learned how to weld?

Blue collar men que j'adore (like my franglais??):

1. Jesse James
2. Eric Stromer
3. All the TLC carpenters - scrumptious! Faber-licious.
4. Chris Heinz...oh wait, he belongs on a different list.

...alright, so my Top 5 Blue Collar Men has some room to grow. But I had to start it; we all know just how much I like my Top 5 lists.

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