Monday, August 30, 2004

Anchors away...

Musical anchor of the day:

Kelly Willis will always remind me of learning how to drive stick shift. Driving around in a - thank GOD! - easy-to-drive little Toyota Celica 2-door, listening to good tunes. Thanks to Cat & Russ, the owners of that fabulous car and their generosity. That was about the only good thing in my life - post-accident, post-Todd, We had such a great time - 2 apartments, lots of barbeques and beers, lots of friends in and out, lots of plants.

Good times. Thanks memory road...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Crawford, dear Crawford...

nannerli74 (2:43:17 PM): that's weird
CBLong74 (2:44:27 PM): uh huh
CBLong74 (2:44:52 PM): i'm going to preemptively hush you
CBLong74 (2:44:52 PM): but
CBLong74 (2:45:01 PM): a one-handed typing device would be very nice to have.
nannerli74 (2:45:17 PM): careful
nannerli74 (2:45:19 PM): that's bloggable

This is what we were talking about. Weird, right?

I (heart) NYC

Oh lordy, lordy, lordy....(to be spoken aloud with a thick, Southern drawl)

I knew NYC was open to just about any and everything, but this just takes the cake. What will "They" think of next??

Check this out...

I'm in love with an outlaw...

Ok, so maybe, just maybe 'love' is a strong word...but WOAH. (I'm showing my age - total TV product of the 80s and 90s, Joey Lawrence!) I finally got sucked in by the show 'Monster Garage' last night - I told you cable would be the death of me! The Firetruck Brewery was pure genius!!!

Jesse James is HOT!!! Not just cuz he's a big, strapping man - just my type. Not just cuz he's ruggedly handsome and tattooed - one of my types. Not just cuz he's got charisma and people jump just as high as he asks (mmm...power) - just my type. But the guy can weild a blow torch like nobody's bidness. Hot diggity damn! I love, love, love men that can build things. I love them even more if they can make something outta nothing. Builders with brains, not just brawn. (I should make a t-shirt out of that!) Brings out the blue collar in me...

Mom, would you mind if I learned how to weld?

Blue collar men que j'adore (like my franglais??):

1. Jesse James
2. Eric Stromer
3. All the TLC carpenters - scrumptious! Faber-licious.
4. Chris Heinz...oh wait, he belongs on a different list.

...alright, so my Top 5 Blue Collar Men has some room to grow. But I had to start it; we all know just how much I like my Top 5 lists.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Sparkles should happen to everyone!

I'm in the most fantastic mood today. If I was anyone but me, I'd be annoyed by me. But, seeing as I am me, wow...if I'd known sparkles and sequins could make me this happy, I'd have started wearing them years ago! No wonder pageant princesses are so smiley - they've got ULTRA sparkles.

Ok, so maybe having a day of nothingness helped. As did the pluot and then the baklava. But the sparkles are the main reason I'm so sunshiney!! My co-workers hate me (Liz), but even that won't stop me. I like not being Crackhead Crankpot. So there all you crabapples!!!

Just to explain: I felt like being "ethnic" this morning. And just how could a 5'10" incredibly blonde, blue-eyed Anglo like me EVER be considered ethnic, I hear you asking. Well, I decided to wear an impulse buy from India that I got last Christmas (try not to sing the Wham! song, please). It's a beautiful blue shirt, cheap (it was India!), that's embroidered and has SPARKLES, commonly known as sequins, sewn in. I have to admit, I was almost intimidated by the sequins and nearly didn't buy it.

But now I LOVE them!!! I'm going to wear sequins every day!

Ok, maybe I won't. It takes a lot of energy....

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Stupid space invaders

I hate people who take up too much space on the bus. The kind of man who spreads his legs wide - I know he doesn't really need to - so that he's taking up half my seat, too. Why do you sit on the inside seat, Mr. Huge Cajones, if you need more room? Dumbass.

Or the chick who's boyfriend is taking up so much room that she's, literally, taking up half my seat. And then proceeded to roll with every movement of the bus INTO me. On a "don't touch me" day. On a bus with no air conditioning.

Or then there's the aging, NOT cute guy that paid half price to stand on the bus because there were no more seats. He's the one that decided to stand next to the pre-pubescent, scantily-clad females about half-way back...the ones sitting in front of me. Mr. Old Man decided that he'd be best positioned if he was hovering over them - like they would really be interested - and leant on the back of their seats. Which meant his ass hovered in front of my face for nearly 20 minutes. And he stepped on my toes. Twice. Ass.

I'm not typically a bitter person. But, damn, does the bus make me irrationally angry at stupid, space-invading, don't realize they're "close talker"-type people. Grrr.

I knew I was never a bus person.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Yoga galore

Fabulous, fabulous evening. I really didn't want to go, but I'd already shelled out $20 for a yoga workshop. A sunset yoga class on a rooftop down in Greenwich Village - sounds dreamy, doesn't it? Of course. Just not on an 85-degree day with 10,000% humidity (ok, ok, that's an exaggeration, but it was *really* hot!). But I went...

And I'm sooooo thankful I did. It was phenomenal! The breeze, the cloudless evening sky, no traffic noise...being able to lie on my back and look up into the sky. I can't even remember the last time I did that.

Ok, so it was hot and I got sweaty. But I left with a superb sense of calm. Wanted to play on the jungle gym and pick out shapes in the clouds (if there'd been some); a complete retroversion to the kid in me.

Y'all should try it...